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Hermione looked down at Abraxas' unconscious body and sighed, she'd told him to stop following her. She heard a laugh from behind her; she turned around sharply only to find a smiling Tom.

"I see you're in a bad mood today."

"Don't start with me." She was still angry with him.

Tom raised his hands in mock surrender and laughed. "It's OK I won't tell."

Hermione glowered at him. "Stop it."

"OK, OK feisty. Just trying to lighten the mood here."

"You know what, you take care of him, he's your minion after all." with that she harshly pushed past him and walked out of the castle.


Abraxas woke up with a sharp hiss and looked up to find Tom glaring down at him.

"Look at you, pathetic. You let a mudblood beat you down, Merlin it's a wonder you didn't piss yourself as well." Tom sneered at him.

Abraxas glared back at him and snarled, "Maybe if you weren't so fucking infuriated with her it wouldn't have happened."

Tom laughed coldly, "I doubt that Malfoy but please do tell me what you mean."

"I mean that if she wasn't your little plaything and you weren't spending half of your time thinking of different ways to fuck her, I would have killed her by now."

Tom's face visibly darkened, "What did you say, Malfoy?"

Abraxas smirked, "I said if you weren't so busy spending half of your time thinking of different ways to fuck her, I would have killed he-"

Abraxas was abruptly cut off because Tom began to choke him, "Don't ever and I mean ever talk to me like that again or I swear, Malfoy, I swear I'll kill you." Tom snarled. He let go of him and Abraxas gasped for air, his eyes were watery and his face was flushed. Tom took one more moment to sneer at him before turning around sharply to leave.


The castle was empty again, everyone but Hermione, Tom and the second and first years remained in the castle.

"Hello, girl." Said a smooth, cold voice and Hermione looked up from her book startled by the voice and to her surprise, no one was there.

"Up here, girl."

Hermione looked up and there floating near the ceiling was a ghost in the school uniform, a Slytherin. Hermione was sure she'd never seen this ghost before but at the same time, she did recognize her.

"W-who are you?" Hermione asked, still startled.

The girl chuckled and smiled before floating down to the table Hermione was sitting on.

"You mean you don't remember me?"

"I'm sorry, no."

The girl sighed and shook her head, "Well I guess that was expected but it still hurts to think that no one remembers me, not even the outcast mudblood."

"Who are you?" Hermione was beginning to get annoyed.

"Oh sorry, I'm Adriana Dorthien, I died a week ago but still nobody's found my body yet and so everyone still thinks I'm missing or I've run away. I wonder how long it'll take before they begin to realize it." The girl folded her arms and huffed.

Hermione remembered who the girl was, she had sat next to her in potions for a month before she disappeared, it was surprising that she was dead.

"How did you die?"

The girl's eyes widened, and she laughed, "Now that's a question I didn't think you'd ask."

"Why's that?"

"Because people barely ever want to know about how others die, it usually saddens them too much."

"Well, I want to know so please go on tell me."

"I was murdered, in the forest."


"You're quite curious now, aren't you? Two boys, they tricked me into going with them, they said they had something to show me. When I realized that they were trying to trap me into something, I panicked. I kicked and I screamed I threw rocks and I even tried to run but of course, that didn't help me. They both laughed at me and said that no one could help me now, it was then that I realized that I still had my wand in my pocket, the idiots hadn't thought to take it from me. I fired a few spells and at that point, they lost it, one came up from behind me and smashed my head into a tree which made me lose grip of my wand and while he held me back the other picked my wand up, held it to my throat and killed me. Next thing I know, I'm a ghost. It's funny really, killed by my own wand." Adrianna turned to look out the window.

"Who were they?"

Adrianna turned to look at Hermione and gave her a half smile. "Avery and Sivian, friends of Tom Riddle if I'm correct."

Hermione's face drained of colour. "Yes, they are."

Adrianna frowned at Hermione, "What's wrong?"

Hermione shook her head and looked up at her, "Nothing, I-I have to leave."

Hermione got up from the table and ran out of the library. Adrianna watched her leave, "Bye."


Tom was startled when Hermione came into the common room with her wand raised and snarled at him.

"You," she growled, "what the hell did you do?"

"I don't know Hermione, what did I do?" He replied casually.

"Don't play games with me, Riddle."

"I'm not, I just don't know what I did."

"That girl, the Dorthien girl you killed her didn't you?"

"I don't know what you-"

"Don't lie to me, Tom!"

He raised his hands. "Hermione, I had nothing to do with it if you could just calm down."

"I won't calm down, Tom, just tell me the truth. Were you the one who told Avery and Sivian to kill her?"

"No Hermione, I didn't, I swear. I didn't even know she was dead."

"You didn't have anything to do with it?"

"No, I did not. "

Hermione sighed and sat down in a chair, "I'm sorry."

Tom sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulder. "It's alright."

How the hell did she find out about the girl, who told her? It couldn't have been Avery, Sivian or Malfoy, it had to be someone else, someone that wasn't part of the death eaters but whoever the culprit was he would find them and when he did, he'd eliminate them for good


Tom walked into the boy's dormitories and there was a giggle from behind him, he turned around sharply with his wand raised and came face to face with a ghost.

"Hello, Tom."

"Hello, Adrianna."


A/N: That's all for today folks! If you guys wanna check out any of my other stories you can check out my website at thegirlthatwrites.simplesite.com.

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