Walks and wands

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Hermione watched Abraxas walk to the room of requirement and smirked, she had followed him on a hunch and turned out, she was right, they were having a death eater meeting that night in the room of requirement and she was going to be there to listen to everything single word. Abraxas looked around before entering the room of requirement and Hermione slipped in after him.


Hermione walked into the forbidden forest, her hands in the pockets of her hoodie, she heard a crack and turned to make sure that nobody was following her, truth be told she was bored. Last night's meeting had been filled with only a few interesting facts most of which were completely irrelevant to her. Hermione sighed and slumped against a tree, she pulled out her wand and cast her Patronus, she smiled as the otter pranced around her and then something strange happened, her otter disappeared leaving a trail of wispy white light, she frowned, that was odd.

Tom put his book down and put his hands behind his head, his mind was swirling with suspicions about the last Death Eater meeting, something was off during the meeting. He could tell the minute Abraxas entered that something was off like there was an extra presence or something, he just couldn't put his finger on it.


Hermione thought of her happy memory again and pointed her wand, expect patronum, and the wispy trail of light came again but instead of an otter coming out a great silver and blue Hippogriff came out of her wand and she stumbled, "What the-"

"Hermione?" A voice came from behind her.

She lost her concentration and the Hippogriff vanished, she turned around sharply to face her intruder and was shocked to see who it was. "Tom?"

"Hermione," he smirked at her.

"Did you follow me here or something?"

"Far from that actually, I just wanted to take a walk."

"In the forbidden forest?" she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes actually, I find this place quite.... Charming."


"What was that spell you did just now? The one that caused the Hippogriff to appear."

"You, the great Tom Riddle do not know what spell that was?"

"Well if I did, I wouldn't be asking you, so what was it?"

"It was a The Patronus charm."

"What is it meant for?"

"It scares off dementors."

"Oh OK, then why were you casting it?"

"I-I just wanted to see it but then something weird happened, it changed and- why am I even telling you this, can you stop asking questions?"

"Fine." He crossed his arms and smirked at her.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Barge onto someone and then just stand an smirk at them, it's annoying."

"Oh that, I don't do it to anyone apart from you, I like watching you squirm."

"Merlin, you're despicable."

"Why thank you."

Hermione turned away from him and began walking deeper into the forest, humming to herself, she wanted a little bit of space from Tom, she knew it was no use though because soon enough, he started following her.

"You know a forest like this, is really no place for a girl."

Hermione turned around and pointed her wand to his throat, "I'm no ordinary girl Tom and I don't like it when people assume that that's what I am, an ordinary girl."

Tom glared at her, "And I think that you should stop overestimating yourself."

He grabbed her arm that was holding the wand, twisted it so she spun around and pinned it to her back, "Here's a lesson for you, never, ever let your guard down and also don't ever point your wand at me like that again." he let her go and she stumbled slightly, she turned around to glare at him but he was already walking away, "Come on let's go back before anyone starts looking for us, sorry, I mean me."

Hermione started after him and suddenly an idea popped into her head, she decided she'd play around with him just to see his reaction, she giggled and sent a stinging hex at him, purposely missing; Tom turned around sharply and glared at her, "What do you think you're doing?"

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked innocently

"I'm not messing around, Hermione, let's go back."

"Well I will but you have to catch me first." She laughed and ran further into the forest.

It only took Tom a minute to follow her, he honestly didn't know why he did, in fact, he thought it was quite stupid but still, he found himself running after her and laughing.

Hermione ran through the trees creating barrier spells for Tom each stronger than the next and he broke each and every one of them. Hermione broke into a clearing, she searched around frantically for somewhere to hide but she couldn't seem to find anywhere, a laugh came from behind her and an arm snaked around her waist, Tom pulled her onto his chest and Hermione gasped.

"Got you," he whispered in her ear. Hermione's heart was pounding, the feeling of being so close to him, too many feelings were flowing through her, she needed to get away from him and quick before she did something stupid. There was a rustle from a corner and she turned to see what it was, a thestral, thank Merlin. She craned her neck to look up at Tom and smiled

"Nope," she said and elbowed him in the ribs, he groaned and let go of her, she ran to the thestrals and thestral climbed onto one, kicked it in the side so it flew up into the air, she let out a long whoop and then looked down at Tom. "Are you coming or not?!" she shouted. Tom looked up at her and smirked, he found it hard to believe that she made him this impulsive, he walked over to one of the thestral and climbed onto it, kicked it in the side and off he went flying after Hermione.


Hermione rolled onto the grass laughing and Tom sat down beside her and sighed, "You really are childish you know." he said looking down at her, Hermione stuck her tongue out at him "You know it's basically past curfew and we still haven't gotten back to the castle yet." she said mockingly.

"Who's fault is that?"

"Hmm, yours?"

"Why you little brat." Tom grabbed her wrists pinning her to the ground, his blue eyes staring into her brown ones, their faces inches away from each other. "I dare you to say that again."

"It's all your fault."

Tom's eyes flickered to her lips for a second and he quickly moved them back to her eyes thinking she didn't notice, she did, she put her hand on his cheek slowly and when he didn't react she pulled his face down until finally their lips met and sparks flew.


A/N: There will be a part two to this chapter and I hoped you guys liked all the fluff, I tried as hard as I could.

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