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Hermione raised an eyebrow at the old man that sat in front of her, "What do you mean you don't know?"

Dippet sighed, "Miss Bellouve, I have no idea how else to put it, I have no idea when Mister Riddle shall return just as I told you yesterday, and the day before, as well as the day before that."

"I get it, I've asked you an alarming amount of times, but you see it makes absolutely no sense."

"I understand your frustration, but as you know, Dumbledore set up the whole thing you'll simply have to ask him."

"Fine." She sighed and got up from the chair while mentally crossing out Dippet to be useless, he would be of no help in finding Tom.


Abraxas started at the girl opposite him, why was he doing this again? She looked up at him running a hand through her hair.

"Dumbledore's the only clue we have here, what do you think he had to do with it."

Abraxas shrugged, "Dunno, he always hated Tom though," he yawned and Hermione glared at him.

"Can you at least try to be helpful?"

"I am trying, just don't know how talking about Dumbledore is going to help us find Tom."

"We're not just talking about Dumbledore, he has something to do with Tom's disappearance."

"And you would know that because?" He had a hint of accusation in his tone.

"Adrianna told Dumbledore about her death, what's more, she lied about it. Dumbledore finally had enough to send him away for good. He's out of the way now, don't you see it?"

"You're suggesting Azkaban aren't you?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure but I think so."

"If that's the case, how the fuck are we supposed to get him out then?"

"Prove his innocence, we need to find out who took him then things can go from there."

He raised an eyebrow at her, and she shrugged, "I know it isn't much but it's something, stop being such an ass hat."

He raised his hands in mock surrender, "Fine, I'll play." Abraxas sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"What do you think Tom might've been doing while we were in the library?"

"Staring at flames." Hermione chuckled at that, he raised an eyebrow again.

"Sorry," she cleared her throat, "he had to come out at some point, though, or else nobody would've been able to take him."

Abraxas nodded.

"Someone might have seen them, one of the ghosts maybe."

"Great, now we have a bunch of ghosts to ask if they saw a boy getting snatched after curfew."

"Goddammit, will you stop being so pessimistic?"

"You mean realistic, mudblood, the word is realistic." Hermione sighed in exasperation, and got up from the table hastily packing her stuff to leave.

"Talk to me when you're ready to be serious." She left with that.


Hermione glared at Peeves as he erupted in laughter. His high-pitched voice filled the halls, and he couldn't stop flipping in mid-air. When he calmed down he floated over to her and penetrated her brown orbs with his grey ones.

"I saw nothin'." He whispered and began to giggle.

"Where were you then?" Hermione scowled at the poltergeist, her efforts were proving to be fruitless she'd been at it for an hour now, and Peeves was not budging.

"Around," he muttered and gestured to his surroundings. She groaned in frustration, and shook her head.

"Look, I'll ask you one last time," she breathed out in exhaustion, "did you, or did you not see Tom Riddle get taken away by someone two weeks ago on a Saturday?"

"Hmm, did I, did I, did I?" He was upside down now, smiling radically.

"Please, just help me out here, Peeves?"

"Why should I?"

"I'll do anything."


"Anything," he smiled and opened his mouth, "but only if you answer my questions first."

His face fell but he nodded. "Fine."

"Did you see Tom Riddle being taken away?" Peeves put his finger to his chin, still upside down, and nodded.

"Yes, yes. Now my turn."

"I'm not done yet, do you know who it was?"

He tapped his chin again, "Maybe..." He trailed off.

"Yes or no Peeves, answer me."

"Yes, my turn."

"No, I'm still not done. Give me a name, who was the person?"

"Tobias Rowle, no more questions. My. Turn."

"Fine, what do you want?"



A/N: Review if you liked it, I'm sorry I didn't update earlier.

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