Nails In The Coffin

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Alexander Darnaeus smiled as he walked into his room, the space between him and the hag always comforted him, it was sacred. He grazed his black fingernails lightly over the olive green walls and walked over to his bookshelf with the determination to pick a book so large that he wouldn't have to step out of his room until supper. Upon picking up a book, a tawny owl flew in through his bedroom window startling him and causing him to drop the book onto his foot. The owl hooted at him somberly, it's amber eyes showing just how tired it was; Alexander walked over to it hesitantly, limping slightly and untied the envelope from it's leg, he wasted no time in opening it.

Dear Alexander,

I'm sorry to catch you unawares, but I- for an unknown reason- felt compelled to write you.

Alexander frowned throughout the whole letter wondering why in the world Maximus Black would write to him, to apologize no less! The idiot had written to apologize for how hostile he had acted towards him the first time he'd spent the summer at his house, not that there had ever been another time, and would like to invite him over again! The audacity! But Alexander would say yes, regardless. Until now he had no other way of getting away from Dorothy except by killing her, and now some random twat he hated had offered him a perfect escape plan, he couldn't say no to that. He glanced at the tawny owl that now stood on his desk happily munching away at the hand full of owl treats he had given it, and nodded subconsciously, he was definitely going to say yes.


Abraxas glanced at Peeves and then at Hermione, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered. Hermione raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"We have no choice."

"I mean, we could just trap him in the mirror y'know, he'd technically have what he wants," Abraxas smirked and Hermione giggled.

"How'd we explain the missing poltergeist?"

"We wouldn't,"

"Someone would find out eventually,"

"Exactly, eventually,"

"You're wicked. Besides that, it's still never work for a bunch of reasons, so give up and give in,"

Abraxas nodded, still smirking. "Just let me know if when you realize how stupid this is, yeah?"

"Sure thing,"

Peeves coughed behind them. "Earth to you two. You stopped walking," Peeves snarled.

"Oh keep your knickers on, we're almost there," Abraxas drawled and stopped in front of the wall that lead to the Slytherin common room. "Pureblood," he muttered, subconsciously glancing at Hermione, and stepped in as the wall slid open. The common room was empty, surprisingly, at midnight usually there'd be at least five kids in there doing their homework because they'd procrastinated for too long and woke up in cold sweat because of it.

Abraxas lead Peeves and Hermione up the stairs to the boys dormitories, opening the door carefully and tiptoeing over to his bedside table, he opened up a drawer and picked up the mirror, raising an eyebrow at the lackluster ghost within it- she no longer moved around with purpose, she'd float about doing nothing, she was nothing, she'd become dead on the inside and out. The mirror, no, they'd killed her.

Abraxas glanced at Peeves, "So, here it is,"

Peeves extended a hand, "Hand it over,"

Abraxas glance hesitantly at Hermione and she nodded at him, he handed it over to Peeves and was surprised it didn't sink through his hand and shatter, it was what he was hoping for after all.

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