Dead Man Walking

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Rose Macmillan glanced at Abraxas anxiously.

"Where are you going?" She asked, unable to keep the question to herself.

Abraxas sighed, exasperated, and turned to face her. "Would you give it a rest? It's none of your God damn business anyway, let it go." He snapped at her. He got up from the ground, dusted himself off and began to walk away. Rose followed him, relentless.

"It is too my business, you are my boyfriend-"

"Boyfriend, when did that happen?" He stopped walking and turned around to raise an eyebrow at her.


"I, nothing Rose, we are not together. I am not yours nor are you mine, what we have is called a suitable arrangement, not a relationship. Now that we have that straight, leave me the fuck alone and go find someone else to nag."

Rose blinked at him hurt by his remark; Abraxas sighed and began walking away, hr had greater things to worry about.


Maximus Black shook his head at the girl opposite him positive that she'd gone mad.

"I'm not helping you," he quickly said, hoping to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

"Oh come on," Rose sighed. "Stop being such a wuss."

"I'm not being a wuss, Rose, I just tend to stay out of pathetically childish matters."
"Childish? This isn't childish it's-"
"Rose, you want me to help you make Abraxas Malfoy jealous. You're right it's not childish, it's downright idiotic and insane." Maximus chuckled softly, "Either way I'm not helping you." He shrugged blandly and walked away.


Abraxas turned to face Hermione, and she raised an eyebrow expectantly at him.

"So..." she began but trailed off in annoyance.

"Yes," he stated simply. "I don't have a direct way to contact Darnaeus' son, but-"
"There is no "but" Malfoy! How the hell are we supposed to get to him?" She threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Maybe if you would just listen to me, perhaps I'd be able to tell you. God, you're infuriating."
"Well forgive me," she muttered, pushing her wild hair out of her eyes in annoyance.

"Whatever, just sit down and I'll explain."

Hermione sat down begrudgingly and crossed her arms.

Abraxas scowled softly at Hermione before speaking. "The only reason I know Alexander-"

"Darnaeus' son. Now will you stop interrupting and let me speak?"

Hermione raised her hands in mock surrender, "I'm sorry."

"Good," Abraxas cleared his throat. "The only reason I know Alexander is because of Maximus Black. I know Darnaeus himself, by my parents of course, and I knew he had a son but I'd never met him before, that is until last summer. I met him during my stay at the Black's house, I was spending the month with them as was Alex. I soon came to realize that the boy was an absolute gullible dolt. He'll tell us anything we want to know, really, all we need is Maximus to help us contact him."

"That's good, but do you think he'll agree?"

"Probably, that is if the others haven't gotten to him yet."
"What, why?"

Abraxas sighed and rubbed his face with the back of his hand, "Ah, before you and I

I, uh, I asked Avery if he would help me find him , he said no of course, why would he? Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's been going around shit staining Tom, giving others pretty good reasons as to why we shouldn't find him. I tried telling him they'll be fucked when he comes back, but he's so far deep in denial he's probably gonna drown." He chuckled dryly.

Hermione gave a soft chuckle and shook her head, "Then I guess we had better go get him before they do."

Abraxas laughed. "Yeah I suppose so." Abraxas paused as Hermione began to get up from the table. "I-I think it'd be better if I asked hi, though. I know you're, uh, capable and all, but-"
"I understand," she nodded and gave him a small smile. He nodded back and returned the smile, he smiled at her. No, it wasn't possible, was it? She shook the thoughts out of her head, we'll think about that later.

"What're you waiting for? Go."
"Gotcha," he quickly packed his things and left the library, leaving Hermione alone with her thoughts.


Water, water, water. The air was thick, moist and reeked of death. The cell was tight and dark, too dark. Oh, God. He needed water.


Peeves had resulted to following Hermione through the halls. He'd push her, tease her, pester her with irrelevancies that were truly of no sense. Hermione hated it, but what could she do? She'd promised him something and didn't deliver, she didn't expect any less. She had resulted to ignoring him, but of course that never really worked. On this occasion he was imitating a banshee, and doing quite well at that. He wailed relentlessly as she walked through the halls, constantly screaming over her pleas for him to stop.

"Peeves, please, I would give it to you-" she began.
"Why don't you?!" He exclaimed in her face.
""I don't have-"
"I don't have her!"
Students glared at her, some sniggering as she walked past.
"It's with Abraxas! Abraxas has her!"
"Good, now go get her!"
"It's not that simpl-"
"OK, OK, just please, please shut up!"
"Good," the poltergeist smirked before floating away. Hermione sighed and slumped against the wall. She wished, oddly enough, that Abraxas had not listened to her and had kept the ghost or else Merlin help her, she would go crazy.


Avery smirked as Abraxas walked past him. "Dead man walking," he almost said but held his tongue. "Soon," he whispered to himself, "soon."

A/N: God, I miss writing like this. But like before, I can't promise anything new anytime soon I'm very busy but I'll try my best to get something out in the next two weeks or so.

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