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Zephyre pulled a thumbtack from the massive bulletin board, allowing a thin sheet of paper to slide into her hands.  A mischievous blonde leaned against the wall beside the 'job board,' raising an eyebrow at her.

"What'cha doing?"  Sting asked.

"Looking at jobs."  She answered in a sarcastic tone.  This was a 'job board,' what else would she be looking at?

"You do realize that's a 100-year job, right?"


"You haven't even joined Sabertooth.  We don't know if you're actually capable of a job like that."  Sting tried to persuade her from completing a job outside of a guild altogether.

Instead, Zephyre smirked as she read over the file.  The job would take place in some kind of wooded area with a small, privately successful forest tribe.  Apparently, who ever asked for help was offering an entire cabin to whoever decided to attempt the job.  The forest tribe seemed to form their lives around some kind of special tree that blossoms only once a year.  From the pictures in the job file, the area seemed beautiful, with crystal clear springs and thick, green trees through the woods.

"Seems more like a vacation..."  She muttered.

"At least bring me along."  There was a whiney kind of tone in Sting's usually sarcastic voice.


"Why not?"

"I work alone."  A pretty cliché statement, but it was considered true by Zephyre's standards.

The Dragon Slayer laughed.  "Would you let Rogue go with you?"

She paused, not completely sure of the answer.  She never actually considered going on a job with anyone, but after Rogue was so kind to her the previous night, the thought crossed her mind.

"Is that a yes?"

"Maybe." She whispered, biting her lip unsurely.

"I'm hurt."  Sting laughed jokingly.  "But if you do go on this job, please take him or I along with you.  For your own safety."

Zephyre didn't respond, just turned around with the job file in her hands, fully intending on taking on this task.  She took the time to examine the information before heading down the hallway full of bedrooms, stopping in front of the one with small letters inscribed on the doorway, reading 'Rogue.'

She knocked on the door in an upbeat pattern, wearing an eager smile.  Rogue slid the door open softly, and the girl handed him the files on the 100-year job.

A look of surprise crossed his face as he realized the difficulty of the job.  "Zephyre, this is a 100-year job..."

"I wanna take it."  The girl stated.

"Are you asking for my permission?"  He raised an eyebrow and released a short chuckle.

"Of course not."  She responded quickly.  "Do you want to come with me?" She bit her lip with anticipation.

"I thought you worked alone." A faint pink tone was dusted onto Rogue's cheeks.

Zephyre displayed a considering expression, looking to the ceiling in a quick thought.  "But... that was before I got the chance to know you."  She gave a half smile and honest crystalline eyes.

The young man's crimson eyes widened slightly as his face became a darker shade of red.

"Besides, Sting wouldn't let me go on the job without you or him."  She pouted.  "Like I need a chaperone or something."

Sweet Shadows (Rogue x OC)Where stories live. Discover now