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"Happy Birthday Zephyre!"  A loud, cheerful voice rang in the girl's ears as she was pulled from sleep.  Her response was a groan.  Of course, this response was not desirable.

"We have a lot to do today."  Rogue said as he gripped onto her waist and threw her over his shoulder like a doll.  "So, we don't need to spend a half of an hour to wake you up."

"Rogue..." Zephyre groaned.  "Put me down..."  She whined, pounding on her captor's back.

"I'm not just going to let you fall asleep again."  She could feel his laugh rumbled through his body.  

"I won't fall asleep!"  The girl protested.  "I promise..." She sighed, knowing that her efforts were becoming futile.

"Good." Rogue easily pulled her off of his shoulder and she wobbled as she stood on her own feet.  "We have a war to prepare for."

"Right."  Zephyre nodded, overcome with seriousness.  "We should get to the Priestess as soon as possible."

"I agree.  She told me yesterday that us three were the only ones capable of fighting in this war.  Even though it's just one demon, we've seen what it can do.  We need to be prepared for anything..."  He looked distant as he spoke, thinking of something else besides what he was telling her.

Then again, the girl was keeping her own secrets.

When the mages stepped outside, a tiny blossom fluttered into Zephyre's hand.  Up close, she could the slight translucency and reflective shine on the flower.  Its petals were thin, but they seemed to be like glass.  The blossom was unique, but truly beautiful.

But it assured her of her role in this whole ordeal with the Imbali.

The Priestess opened her door to the young mages with a smile.

"Happy Birthday, Priestess!"  The female mage greeted joyfully.

"Good morning and happy Birthday, Zephyre."  She greeted.

"How'd you know it was my birthday?"  Zephyre stiffened.

"I know a lot more than you'd think." A corner of the woman's mouth twisted up into a playful smirk.  "Anyway... "  Her smile faded and she furrowed her eyebrows in seriousness.  "Are you two sure that you are ready to put your lives on the line?"  She was facing Rogue directly, but the question was directed to the two of them.

"No matter the job, we're always putting our lives on the line as mages."  The girl answered instead.

The Priestess smiled and sighed.  "I see."

"I can say that we are safe until the sun sets.  But as soon as that happens, I am sure the demon will strike.  I have told you before that every Priestess retains their memories, but I have not retained all of mine, correct?"

"Yes."  Zephyre and Rogue nodded.

"It's rather unfortunate in this case that the memories I do not have are of when the previous Priestess passed on.  Thus, I know close to nothing of the demon.  All of those memories are lost."

The Priestess then changed the topic altogether.  "Rogue, please go retrieve Aija."  The sound of the chief's name made the Dragon Slayer cringe as a disgustful expression crossed his face.  "Please."  She pleaded.  As he dropped his shoulders, he left the two women in the crystalized room.

Zephyre used this chance to ask the Priestess of what she knew.  "How long... have you known?"  She raised an eyebrow peculiarly.

"I figured it wouldn't take you long to figure it out."  The Priestess gave a small smile.  "Even so, you plan to participate in this war."

Sweet Shadows (Rogue x OC)Where stories live. Discover now