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Zephyre's eyes fluttered open at the sound of battle.  Rogue held her securely in one of his arms as his other hand deflected the demon's attacks.

"Zephyre!"  The Priestess shouted.  She was facing the demon with stiff posture, raising her hands to strike at any moment.  Even though the woman did not have eyes, the mage looked at her and they seemed to understand each other.

"The memories... I've seen them."  Zephyre stated, climbing to her feet from Rogue's strong arms.  "He killed the previous Priestess."

She bent her knees and activated her notorious magic, which didn't truly belong to her.  Diamond needles protruded from her fingertips as hatred fueled her similar eyes.  She pushed on the dirt floor with one foot and quickly launched herself towards the beast, her claws bared to tear his flesh.

She danced around him, avoiding his clumsy attacks as she tried to pierce his skin.  However, she slipped in her attack, leaving an opening for the demon to inflict a blow on her stomach.  The pressure caused her to stumble, letting the demon punch her again, forcing her into the sacred tree with a harsh impact.

"Zephyre."  The Priestess said in a low tone.  She reached out her hand for the mage to take and pulled her to her feet.  They approached the demon as he stared at them, trying to analyze their next attack.

The women grasped each other's hands and pressed their foreheads together.  Zephyre closed her eyes.  Rogue watched them from a distance, using his magic every time that the demon tried to harm them.  However, with the two of them side-by-side, with both of their eyelids pressed shut, he could see clearly how much Zephyre and the Priestess resembled each other.  They could have been sisters.

Air began to circulate around the two women, lifting their thick, dark hair as Zephyre’s escaped the tie that kept it away from her face.  Both of their curvaceous bodies glowed, and the light kept growing brighter.

The ground beneath them solidified into crystal, stretching in all directions.  From their feet, shards of diamonds emerged, reaching towards the demon rapidly.  One after another, the spears came after him.  Eventually, he wasn't able to evade the threatening daggers as one pierced his broad chest.

The demon stiffened and coughed, but no blood escaped either his wound or mouth.  Instead, he smiled a disturbing smile and chuckled deeply.  "You think that you can kill me that easily?"  He snapped the diamond spear effortlessly.

Zephyre and the Priestess broke apart from each other, and they both fell to their knees.  They panted tiredly as sweat dripped down their bodies.

"You're better off dead."  The demon growled.  Using his own magic to quickly override Rogue's Dragon Slaying magic, he pulled the mage off of his feet.  When he was on the ground, the demon took the chance punch his head multiple times in an effort to smash his skull.  Rogue screamed in agony.

"No! Stop!"  Zephyre cried as she crawled towards the bloody scene.  "Don't..."  She mustered the last of her magic. "... don't hurt him!"  Her voice cracked painfully as she summoned diamond spears to keep the demon away from the Dragon Slayer.  The monster leapt back and glared at the girl.

"Shut up, wench!"

The demon launched at Zephyre, bearing his dark magic and slicing her body.  Blood oozed from the new wounds that line her body, accompanied by scrapes and bruises.  She screeched with pain as a tear slipped down her cheek.

Eventually, the demon showed mercy and the girl fell to the ground, coughing up blood as she wobbled on her hands and knees.  She could vaguely see Rogue open a crimson eye.  The pain he was feeling was obvious in his expression.

"I created you, woman! You show me no respect!"  The demon spat at Zephyre.  His deep green eyes swirled with hatred and disgust.

"You didn't create me, bastard..."  Zephyre's voice was low and raspy as her crystalline eyes pierced his soul.  "You manipulated my ill mother, distressed father, and my unborn self."  She growled, wiping the blood that dripped from her mouth.  "You deserve to pay..."  She lowered her head, and then lifted her face, showing a new flare in her translucent orbs.  "... for all of the lives you destroyed!"

Zephyre strained her hand towards him, trying to find more magic within her.  As she lost support in her legs, she fell back down.  She felt the demon's large hand push on her skull, pressing it to the ground harshly.

"Step away, demon."  The Priestess's powerful voice echoed through the clearing as a wave of light forced the demon away from Zephyre.

The Priestess turned to the female mage.  Something was hidden in her expression, but she couldn't understand what she was feeling, exactly.  All she knew was that the woman was not happy.

"We can't finish him..."  She said quietly, trailing her sentence hopelessly.

Zephyre furrowed her eyebrows.  "Unless..."  She whispered as she considered her next actions, looking at the ground with a frown.

"No." The Priestess responded, her voice flat and decisive.

"You said that we needed to be prepared to lose everything.  I am now tellling you that that is the only option."  The mage looked back at the Priestess, determination glowing in her luminescent eyes.  "I am aware of the consequences and am willing to see this through."

"Are you absolutely sure?"  The Priestess warned.  After Zephyre nodded decisively, the woman sighed.  "I see."

Zephyre smiled, and then turned to the Dragon Slayer who was trying to get to his knees, clearly suffering from the beating he took.  Nearby, the demon was being held back by the Priestess's remaining magic, but they knew it wouldn't last for long.

She walked towards him, wobbling in her step.  Despite the situation, a small, yet flawed smile was on her lips.

"Hey, Rogue."  Her voice wavered.  Rogue managed to push himself to his feet as he limped towards the girl.  But she stepped back, avoiding his touch.

"Zephyre? What's wrong?"  He asked nervously, his voice shaking.

Zephyre just smiled, but in her diamond-esque eyes, he could see deep sorrow hidden inside of her.  When he saw her sadness, his own crimson orbs darkened with confusion and worry.

"What's go-" Rogue paused mid-sentence when he saw an illuminated blossom from the magnificent sacred tree flutter by.

And he realized the truth.

His eyes widened in shock, understanding everything that Zephyre had discovered and what the Priestess must have known all along.  He also understood what she must do.

"Please know that I love you, okay?"  Her voice cracked as she stifled tears.

Rogue stood, unable to do anything to stop her.  She limped across the small bridge, stopping on the island of the sacred tree to look at the magnificent creation.

She closed her eyes and pressed her nose to the thick bark of the tree, closing her eyes as a thin smile still lined her thin lips.

"Zephyre, wait!"  Rogue cried as he ran after her, trying to prevent her from doing as she planned.  "Please, don't..."

A tear shined as it slipped down her cheek.  As soon as it fell from her chin, her legs collapsed beneath her.

"... leave..." Rogue's voice cracked as he was unable to react.

The last thing Zephyre remembered was being consumed by a holy white light.

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