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Zephyre woke up quietly, for once, fluttering her crystalline eyes open tiredly.  But the haze over her eyes pulled them shut again as she snuggled closer to the warmth that engulfed her.  

She felt a hand run down her back and push away thick strands of hair that covered her face.  Then, she could feel warm air breeze by her ear.

"Good morning, Zephyre."  Rogue whispered softly.  The words caused the girl to jump from his grasp and leap of the bed like a scared cat.  "What's wrong?"  He asked as he sat up, stretching his arms.

After catching her breath, the girl calmed down.  "I was just surprised, that's all."  She sighed, placing and hand over her chest as if trying to slow her racing heartbeat.

As their plan to stay in the village for the day and be by the Priestess's side by nightfall commenced, the two mages greeted the villagers warmly.  "I see that whatever was happening between you two has been solved."  A familiar, kind voice spoke from behind them.  They both turned to meet Aija's emerald gaze.

"I'm sorry to bother you two so early in the morning, but the Priestess says that she would like to speak with you alone, Rogue."  The chief relayed, though he hardly seemed saddened by the information.

"Alone?"  Zephyre questioned.

"Yes.  She said that she had something very important to discuss about the Blossom Festival."  The brunette clarified.

"Then why can't I come?"  She began to whine.

"I do not know the answer to that."  Aija shook his head.  "It is what the Priestess is asking."

With a pouting Zephyre, the three went into the cavern on the cliff-side where the stone door was pried open, the Priestess waiting inside.

"Thank you for retrieving him, Aija."  The Priestess acknowledged.  "Now, may you two please allow Rogue and I some time to discuss?"  She asked kindly.

"Yes, Priestess." Aija answered and dipped his head slightly before leaving the room, dragging Zephyre behind him as the massive stone closed.  Feeling excluded, the girl was still pouting.

"Oh, come now, don't be like that."  The chief smiled encouragingly, taking her hand.  "Let's enjoy our time."  He pulled the girl along to the house carved in the stone.  His extreme happiness made her feel slightly awkward.  But he opened his door welcomingly, revealing a well-furnished, humble looking home.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Zephyre."  He lifted his arms enthusiastically, gesturing to the living room.  There was a circle of large, colorful pillows and all sorts of tribal artifacts lining the walls, ranging from animal bones and teeth to wooden crafted instruments.  "Please, sit where you like."  He offered.  She didn't hesitate to slump onto the plush-looking cushions.  He sat beside her with a respectable distance, folding his legs casually as the girl seemed fascinated with the neat room.

But she was intrigued mainly with a wooden, stringed instrument on the wall.  "Do you play?"  She asked, pointing at the guitar.

"Oh, yeah.  Do you?"  Aija stood and pulled the instrument from the hook that hung it on the wall.

Zephyre shook her head, but smiled.  "I just like the sound."

The chief sat back down beside her and positioned the guitar in his arms.  He began to move his right hand across the strings over the hole carved in the center of the instrument, and then he pinched different strings with his left hand.  As he strummed, different pitches created a musical melody.

The girl closed her diamond-esque eyes and smiled as the sound reached her ears.  "That's really pretty..."  She said softly, seeming to be in a trance-like state.

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