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Chapter One: Hell

~Delilah's pov~




No. No. No.

I snuggle deeper into my comforter trying to ignore the machine from hell itself. After a few seconds of listening to it continuously making the same annoying noise I finally roll over and drag my finger across my phone screen to shut it up.

I lay there for a few more minutes playing on my phone then slowly get up and shiver as cold air hits my bare legs and arms. "Why would anyone get up at 6:00 in the morning?!" I grumble, my voice cracking from lack of use through the night. I fix my tank top that, like always, has somehow moved up and twisted around my torso in my sleep then grab a random pair of shorts to throw on over my underwear before heading downstairs.

After making it down the stairs without injury I trudge into the kitchen. "Good morning lil!" I suddenly hear and look over at my overly-excited mom. I grunt at her and walk over to the coffee machine to start the machine made in heaven. Dad comes in after me in his business suit chuckling at my response to her early-morning enthusiasm. "Mornin' lil" he says quietly before kissing my temple,"is the coffee ready yet?"

"No" I grumble disappointedly. Coffee always takes to long in the mornings. He sighs in sadness has well and goes to his wife,"you know she isn't a morning person" chuckling slightly again. He lowers his voice trying to be quiet enough for me not to hear not wanting to irritate me this early,"must get it from Ethan". I hear him anyways but act like I don't to spare them both and myself right now.

Ethan is my blood father. He left me and mom when I was only 5. We were by ourselves for awhile, up until I was 9. My mom finally opened up to relationships and met Lucas. They got married a year later and me and mom changed our last name to Hale.

The first time I verbally called him dad I was 12 and it slipped out on accident before i could stop it like the other times. I've always seen and thought of him as my dad but I didn't know what he would say and I didn't want to risk it. Risk what? I have no idea now. I thought he would get mad or upset- though now when I think about it he rarely gets mad at me ( if ever )- so I squealed and ran to hide while repeatedly saying sorry. I knew he wouldn't hit me but I hate getting yelled at, always makes me cry, so I hid in my closet. In hindsight that was a horrible hiding spot but oh well. When he 'found' me a few seconds later he looked at me with an apprehensive look on his face. "What did you call me sweetheart?" He asked me softly with a frown. I shook my head at him so he repeated the question. This happened a few more times before I finally squeaked out,"dad" after a few seconds then buried my head in my knees. I felt strong arms wrap around my tiny frame tightly then something wet on my shoulder.

Was he.. crying?

"Oh baby. My babygirl." He pulls back and looks me in the eyes, grey-blue clashing with brown. "I love you so much lil". "I love you too.... dad" I smile timidly to him and he gives me a huge grin in return.

That is one of my favorite memories.

I make my delicious cup of coffee and take a sip letting the warm liquid run down my throat before saying,"our heaven is done". Lucas jogs over to the pot and makes himself a cup while I sit down on a bar stool. For a few minutes we just all sit quietly soaking up the peace before the day had to start.

I finish my cup and rinse it then put it upside down in the sink. I head upstairs to get ready for the day. I throw my hair up into a messy bun before grabbing a pair of skinny jeans, socks, and a flannel and put all of it on quickly. Making sure I smell good I grab my bag and shoes before turning, shutting the door and jogging downstairs. I plop down on the couch and lace up my converse then grab my jacket and keys, along with my bag, off the hooks by the door. "Bye mom! Bye dad! Love you guys!" I walk out the door and right before I close the door fully I faintly hear,"I love you too!" from both of them.

I got in my truck and reversed out of the driveway. I made sure to drive through Biggby to grab Lilly's sugar-filled coffee before heading towards school.

"On my way to hell" I mutter before blasting my bi-polar music.

A/N. So first chapter done. Only 895 words but its a start. Kinda slow. Im going to continuously add detail more into the story as it goes on so patience is key.
Ill schedule my posts once I get more into a routine.
Please stay open minded. Still super new to this all.
Sorry if it sucked :/

898 words.

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