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Chapter Five: Prince Charming

~Delilah's pov~

I regain my smile and look at them while convincing myself that I don't know him. Act professional. Damn I really need to get control over this so called 'fear'. Its just irritating me now.

Writing down a Coke, Mt. Dew, and an apple juice I look up,"Are you ready to order your food or do you want a few more minutes?" I plaster a smile on my face. I look to Colby first and see him chuckling quietly at my obvious fake smile making my giggle under my breath. Did I... just... giggle? Uh.. Okay?

"No we're gonna need a few more minutes for slow poke over here", pointing his thumb towards the little boy sitting across from him in the booth while putting his other hand next to his mouth in a mock whisper," he needs his mommy's help". I smile seeing him wink at me before I look over towards the child again to see him pouting, his tiny bottom lip jutting out with a quiver looking at Colby with big, watery eyes.

Groaning Colby soon breaks his defiance," alright alright! Noah i'm sorry. You need moms help. Your seven years old I know. Just stop with the eyes" he sighs dramatically while covering his eyes and putting his head on the table. 'Noah' is smiling triumphantly with his arms crossed across his little chest with a, im guessing, smug look on his adorably chubby face.

Laughing at their antics I see, who im guessing is their mother, rolling her eyes with a smile on her lips from her two sons dramatic display. I look back to see Colby laughing with us while shooting me yet another wink.

Laughing under my breath quietly I clear my throat,"So you are ready to order?", keeping a real smile on my face this time instead of a distant professional smile. Colby and his mom jokingly look towards Noah making him sigh dramatically. Looking at the kids menu that I gave him, he points his finger at me then closes his fist completely, which must be his version of 'come here'.

He is adorable.

Kneeling down next to him I look up at him and smile,"what do you want to show me", I trail off slightly not wanting to call him Noah if its a family thing.

"Noah", I hear so I look up to see Colby looking at us with a fond smile shying onto his face. I smile back and nod turning back to face Noah. "So you wanna show me what you want?", I turn back to the cute boy in front of me with a child-ish grin.

Smiling at me he points at a photo that's on the menu right next to an owl that the kid's are meant to color with given crayons. Saying,"this one", in a tiny voice with a big toothy grin that pushed up his cheeks making them look even chubbier than they were before. Nodding to him I write it down then smile at him and stand up straight again to jot down the other to orders. Before I walk away I lean down and kiss Noah's temple making him blush adorably then quickly wink at Colby jokingly before I walk away to get back at him for earlier. As I walk away I can kind of hear him chuckling quietly causing a smile to tug at my lips.

"So we have a back burger with a side of fries for Colby. A caeser salad for Mrs. Jacobs", I shoot her a smile when I see her eyes narrow playfully at my choice of words. Pausing for the dramatic effect,"and chicken tenders with a side of tater tots for my favorite buddy over here Noah", I grin at him dragging out the 'and'. Smiling at me brightly he quickly starts eating the tots. "Let me know if you guys need anything else. Ill be right over there", pointing towards the counter. I smile at them. Before turning to walk away.

As I walk away back to the counter I feel a tiny hand wrap around my wrist with a tug. Turning back around I see Noah smiling brightly with his childish expression while holding out a tater tot. "Here. You get to have one too", while holding it out more towards me.

Shaking my head,"No, thank you. That's for you dork", I push it more towards him again smiling.

Pushing against me making the food come closer to me,"You have to. Momma says its not healthy to not eat", with insistence in his young voice.

Smiling at his reasoning I grab the small tater tot and pop it in my mouth. After I finish eating it I grin at him,"My knight in shining armour", then I kiss his cheek as a thanks and get back up to my feet. Beaming at me brightly he quickly turns to his attention back to his food.

Laughing I ruffle his messily tangled blonde waves and walk towards the counter to take some people's orders who sat at the counter while I was at their table.


I look up from cleaning off the counter when I see a child bounce onto the stool in front of me I smile at Noah,"Hey bud, you guys leaving?", I ask the small boy with a childish pout. Nodding sadly he holds out his arms so I walk around the counter opening my arms just in time to catch the small body being launched at my torso. Walking to the register I switch him to my hip and use one hand to work the register making sure to hold him up right with my other hand.

"Okay your total goes up to $12.48", I smile brightly to cover up my use of the employee's discount hoping they didn't notice the price change.

Looking confused,"but I thought it was more.. Are you sure you added everything?", she asked. Repeating their order to her I nod while hearing Noah giggling in my ear. Mumbling a 'shh' towards the child in my arms I innocently smile towards her again. Looking at me suspiciously she eyed her youngest that's planted in my arms,"what did she do?", getting a response filled with giggles.

"She used a discount thingy", he loudly whispers to her, copying what Colby did earlier by putting a hand near his mouth for extra effect.

Gasping dramatically I put a hand over my heart in distraught,"he sold me out!", I pout at Colby attempting to get some defense for me in the situation. Realising I'm alone in this fight, "Don't worry. It was only an employee's discount", I tell her when she gives me a scolding look that makes me feel like I should spill my secrets. Sighing she just shakes her head at my antics and hands me the money that was in her hand after giving some money to Colby and whispering in his ear. Nodding along with what she said to him, he walks away quickly.

When they are heading towards the door I let go of Noah so he can get down and follow them out just to find him latching onto me. Chuckling at the smaller child Colby quickly walks to me and pries the body off of me putting him on the ground feet first after making sure there space put between us so he doesn't latch on to me again. Walking to me Emily hugs me and then pulls away while keeping her hands on my shoulders smiling her motherly smile,"you should stop by tomorrow for dinner. It can be a payback for our dinner discount tonight". The smile that she gave me made me nod my head reluctantly and take their receipt and a pen to write down my number I hand it to her,"just text me the details and I'll be there tomorrow".

Waving good bye I shut the door behind them and flip the sign to 'Sorry we're CLOSED'. I walk to their table just to see a decent amount of money placed in the middle of the table neatly as my tip with all of the dishes piled up. Damn them. I sulk silently while rolling my eyes at her sneaky actions.

Walking out to my truck after I finished closing up I quickly get into my warm truck. Why must it be cold in October! Sighing grumpily I start the drive home my mind shifting to my warm bed and my book that's waiting for me.

A/N: Hey im sorry that this took so long to update. I feel really bad but its up so.. Yay? Please no scolding. I don't think this is my best work but I tried my best. Its a little shorter than usual.

Thanks for reading this, and the votes and comments!

Have a good morning/night☺❤

1496 words.

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