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Chapter Four: Awkward

~Delilah's pov~

"My name is Alex", the boy in front of me says brightly, like he has been waiting forever. Chuckling inside of my head I keep on my confused facial expression considering... Who is this and why is he talking to me. Slowly I pull out my other ear bud and continue looking at him with guarded eyes. Why is he talking to me? After a second I realize that he is one of the boys that knocked... Colby!
I knew that.



I have had a long day. I still cant find my book! I skipped lunch so me and Lilly were looking for it, so I never got to eat. I planned on looking again during my study hall but I was still shelving the books for Mrs. Murphy when Ms. Avery walked in for her study hall and she saw me working and asked for my help.

I plan on looking again once home ec was done so im officially avoiding teachers making sure that no one else asks me to do something.

Getting out of my thoughts I see the boy- Alex- looking at me curiously. "Uh... Sorry lost in thought again", I laugh slightly,"Im Delilah". He repeats my name quietly as if testing it out though it seems he already knew my name. "Your friends with Colby. Right?", I question subtly after remembering my run-in (literally) with Colby.

He chuckles slightly and nods his head to my question,"yeah, sorry about that by the way. Tyler is really pushy". I laugh quietly and nod in agreement. "So you dropped something when you and Colby knocked into each other." The bell rings and I watch has he sits down in the empty seat next to me while talking still. "I grabbed it and looked at it. It sounds good by the way. Though im not much of a reader", he pulls out my book from behind him. I gasp excitedly and looked at the cover. Smiling brightly at him I scoot a little closer to him. "Maybe you could read it to me sometime", as he hands it over.

Did he just.. wink at me?

Nope just my imagination. Chuckling slightly to hide my ridiculous thoughts I shake my head," maybe", I shoot a wink to him jokingly. He smiles at me goofily after shaking out of the shock that radiated through his body quickly at my action. The teacher starts talking so I face the front to where Ms. Hyde holding the book to my tightly like its going to disappear.


Once the bell rings I put everything away and start walking to my locker. Once im almost to my locker I hear my name being called so I look up and see Lilly waiting by my locker but she isn't paying attention to anyone to notice me. I look behind me to see Alex running towards me. I slow down almost to a stop until he catches up with me and then I start walking again but at a slower pace.

"Yeah?" I look towards him with curious eyes. Why is he talking to me again? He already gave me my book back. Strange. He shakes his head slightly a just keeps walking beside me. Okay? I see me locker and walk up to it, him following behind me.

Where'd Lils go? Shaking it off I look over at him to see him staring at my locker number. I look at my locker then back at him curiously. He really is weird. I grab the sticky note hanging on my locker door and read it.

You took too long. Meet you at the cars


Laughing slightly I twist my combination in while pushing against it, hit my locker with my knee then pull it open. I kinda wish they would just fix my locker. After grabbing my math book reluctantly because I didn't get to finish my math homework in study hall like I usually did, thanks Ms. Avery, I close my locker with a loud BANG.

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