chapter 7

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After dinner and dinner clean up I got peanut ready for bed. Got her in her pajamas but told her it was ok to watch one more movie with the guys before bed. She had fallen in love with them. They were wo good with her. She darted out of her room and jumped into kookies arms. "I'm back!" She smiled.

"Ready for the movie?" Cookie asked smiling. She shook her head yes and sat in between kookie and tae on the couch. We weren't even half way through spirited away before peanut crashed with her head leaning on kookie. I looked up and saw her asleep. "Oh let me get her into bed and off you kookie" I said standing up and heading towards them.

"I can carry her" kookie smiled. Picking her up. I lead him to her room , I pulled back the covers and kookie laid her down. I covered her up and grabbed her kookie bunny stuffed animal and placed her arm around it. "She has to fall asleep with your character, I guess the real you was better then her stuffy" I smiled. We headed back to the living room. We finished the movie and the boys went on their way back to the hotel. Time for me to crash.

*a few days later*

They only had 3 days left before they had to continue the tour. And they have been crashing in my living room more then the hotel. I felt bad, I didnt have any guest beds but they said they didnt mind because it felt like home. Me and yoongi barley slept, we had late night conversations out on the porch swing in the back yard. We talked about almost everything. I have never been so open to someone in my life. There just something about him that makes me feel comfortable yet nervous at the same time. After work and dinner peanut stayed the night at her cousin's so it was just me and the guys tonight.

"What should we do or watch tonight?" Hobi asked.

"I dont know, you guys dobt have that much time left but I have neglected my training all week so I might just go to the basement to get a quick session in" I replied.

"Oh yeah, you are learning taekwondo, right?" Yoongi recalled from one of our talks.

"Yes, and I feel a bit weird for not practicing this week" I replied.

"I learned taekwondo! What rank are you?" Kookie asked.

"I'm a 4th degree black belt, working my way up higher" I replied.

"Can I watch you practice?" Kookie asked "it's been a while for me but I love it"

"Yeah you guys can go to the basement with me. But you. Ight get bored" i giggled. "I'm going to get changed real quick. You guys can head down, there's bluetooth speakers so feel free to put music on" I headed to my room and grabbed some of my workout clothes, just workout capris and a tank top what I normally wear to practice in.

After changing I headed down to the basement. It was a finished basement with mats all over the floor and self standing bags to practice my kicks and punches on. Kookie had taken over the speakers and had some hype music playing. I stretched and tried to tune out the fact they were there. I'm not used to people watching me practice at home.

I went hard, harder then usual. After a couple of hours I was breathing hard trying to catch my breath and covered in sweat. I stretched to end it and help my muscles. Yoongi came over with a water."thank you" I said out of breath as he handed it to me.

"Wow you were amazing" taehyung said sitting next to me on the mat. "You must be really passionate about taekwondo"

"I love it. After my first class I just wanted to spend every minute learning it, advancing in it." I replied. I looked at yoongi, I could tell there was something he wanted to say.  We had a meeting with lawyers and a judge about the marriage the day after tomorrow. I wonder if it was about that or the fact we almost kissed the other night but was interrupted by Jin asking if we were ok outside late at night. I noticed I was staring and quickly changed my glance to the rest of the guys who were now at the other side of the room.

"Hey.. can I talk to you for a minute.." yoongi asked in a low pitched voice.

"Yeah, talk" I replied taking another drink of my water.

"Well you know we have to meet with the lawyers and judge the day after tomorrow.." he said as he rubbed his neck "I was just thinking.. well we should talk about our options"

"What do you mean options?" I asked

"Well there's alot of options that will be on the table in a couple of days and I think we need to talk about it" he replied.

"Yoongi, I'm going to sign papers.. I dont want to hurt your career.." I replied in a much sadder tone and louder then I thought it would come out as.

"You wont ruin my career.." he began to say as I cut him off.

"Plus you need someone skinner, prettier and younger, not to mention the doesn't have a kid already.. I want you to stay successful and keep doing the good in the world that you are doing right now" I choked the words out as I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I took that as time to go back up stairs. I managed to make it up the stairs and into my room. As soon as I shut the door I slid my back down it and curled my head into my knees and busted into tears. My heart hurts so much.

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