Coffee? (With Music)

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Play the music to get more into the atmosphere!

Walking under the shades of trees in the nearby park. Finally taking an evening stroll from the nonstop assignments I've been receiving from my lecture. I sighed while looking at the view of citizens having their time in this lovely place. Holding my agenda with me I decided to find the nearest bench I could find. There I spotted him, drawing on his book while observing the Shiba Inu dog who was taking a nap on the soft-looking grass. Knowing him, I'm pretty sure that he's sketching the dog.

I then decided to sit next to him hoping that he would realize who I am. He didn't bother looking and kept on continuing sketching. Slouching, I opened my journal inspecting the stuff I wrote down earlier during the day and ticked off the ones I had done.

"Still using that agenda huh grandma?" He asked while continuing his drawing.

"Wha- Grandma?! Hey for all you know having an agenda is very convenient even if not many people use them nowadays" I put my hair on my right side back to my ear.

"Why bother? It's the 21st century and you have reminders inside your phone. Plus they're free" He took his eraser from his blue fabric pencil case.

"What about you then? People nowadays are drawing digitally in their 'expensive' iPad pro or Wacom" I used the quote on quote gestures with both of my hands.

"Because it's expensive, I'd rather draw traditionally" he put the pencil on his left ear and compared the drawing to the real object in the distant, "What do you think?"

He gave me his book so I could take a look at what he has drawn earlier.

"The tail is a bit off, maybe you should add more stroke in the upper area to make it more realistic" I lend my hand towards him, "do you mind if I fix it?"

"Uh, go ahead" he looked for the pencil that he had forgotten.

"It's... There" I pointed my left ear to remind him.

"Oh, right" he laughed with embarrassment. Giving me the pencil he used, I giggled along with him. I took the pencil and drew on his drawing adding a few strokes here and there, I've forgotten how good it feels to draw.

"I don't get it, why didn't you take art as your major again?" He pondered while resting his head on his left arm.

"Haven't I said it more than 10 times already? My parents disallowed me from doing so" I looked at the dog, "and besides if they are more proud of me this way, then I am willing to sacrifice on what I love because they are important to me"

"Shame" He looked up to the leaves that were hustling.

Without noticing, he came closer to me to look at his drawing. His smell started to resurface from the smell of nature.

"You've always been a big help Rachel" He laughed.

I looked up and turn sideways not knowing that we were an inch close. Joe and I stared at each other's eyes, sinking in depth of those blue eyes of his for minute or two. My heart started beating in a very fast pace and those few minute of course felt like a lifetime. Suddenly a bark from the Shiba Inu brought me back to reality.

"Anytime Joe.. Anytime" I smiled and looked back at the drawing knowing that my chest felt some pain.

"Say, what are you gonna do after this?" He sat straight again.

"Mm probably going back to my studies" I gave him back his drawing.

"Want to grab coffee together? I know this nice cafe nearby" scratching his head.

"I-" when I started speaking, he stopped me midway.

"I'll treat you!" He stood up pointing at me. I giggled at him.

"That'd be nice" I smiled cheerfully.

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