Chapter:4~ Wire thin love

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The boys had made it to the first fence on their journey and it was a pain in the ass, to say the least. It was made of barbed wire, which as most people know, can hurt. The group knew that what they were doing was pretty much illegal and if they were caught, it would be bad news. However, their little adventure was worth the risk- both imprisonment and being shredded by the sharp wire.

Gally volunteered first to persevere through the fencing. He was the tallest of the group, so naturally suffered more by squeezing in between the wire. Once on the other side though, he smiled in victory, his strange eyebrows making it a little freaky.

"Don't ever smile like that again, " Minho commented, "I think I'll need therapy just because of that."

The next one through was Newt. He slipped in between the barbed wire as if they were no more than pieces of string in a silly game. He was incredibly agile and, though he didn't like to admit it, extremely athletic. Thomas admired the way he glided through and once on the other side, smiled happily at his success, he thought it was the purest thing anyone could do.

As it turned out, Thomas was volunteered to go next by Minho. The Asian boy pushed Thomas forwards, gesturing for him to go through. He breathed in and then began to manoeuvre around the separate strings of wire. At first, he thought it was going well but of course, that just placed the kiss of death on it.

His leg got hooked on the lowest wire. Trying to keep his balance, Thomas grabbed out at anything around himself, which turned out to be yet another length of barbed wire. He shrieked in pain and released his grip on the cold metal, which in turn caused him to tumble. He lay there, in a heap on the dry, cracked ground, wire poking into his lower back. The other boys had burst into laughter as he lay there, unable to get up.

Until Newt came over, untangling some of the wire from Thomas' clothes. When the brunette was freed from his metal embrace, Newt pulled him to his feet. The blond had a wide grin on his face and was trying hard to suppress a laugh but couldn't. Thomas pretended to glare but couldn't help the smile that was forming on his own lips.

Soon the laughter and comments died down and Frypan was the next to tackle the fence. Luckily he managed to get through just fine. "See, Thomas, that's how you do it."

There were a couple of sniggers but Thomas simply joined in, "Yeah I realise where I went wrong now."

Lastly was Minho. He was doing ok but lost his balance slightly part way through. He grabbed the wire as instinct and cried out in pain. However, unlike Thomas, he stayed upright and got through the rest quickly. He stood up straight, then bent down in a low bow, showing off his alleged skill.

The others just rolled their eyes and began to move on across the field. Minho ran to catch up and made his way to the front of the group, "Hey, where are you going? Do you even know which way we're supposed to go?"

"No. Well, which way should we be going, then?" Newt asked as he walked next to Minho.

"We're heading in the right direction right now but later I'm gonna have to lead."

They just mumbled a response and kept walking straight across the lightly ploughed field. There was a blanket of silence over the group as if speaking was forbidden. They walked separately, slightly spread out across the field, lost in their own thoughts and imagination.

That was until Minho randomly began to giggle and the rest of the boys turned to look at him. He stopped and clutched his stomach, over-exaggerating his laugh. After nearly ten seconds of giggling, Minho straightened himself out again and faced the others.

"Minho, what's bloody gotten into you?" Newt worriedly asked.

"Well, it's just so funny how this is meant to be a social outing but you're all so quiet," Minho said, "so ima' get my shuck candy out and we all gonna have some fun. Yeah?"

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