Chapter: 16~ Truth or lies

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Thomas had to manoeuvre around the tube that snaked its way out of Newt's nose as he kissed the blond. It was a gentle kiss; soft and warm but their hands were rough as they tugged on each others hair. It was the first proper kiss they'd shared since their dare and it was even better than the former.

They pulled away after a couple of seconds, leaning their foreheads together and smiling sweetly at each other. Their eyes studied the others' while a healthy blush coloured their faces and warmed their souls. They breathed in sync and Thomas knew their hearts were also in time because the beeping of the heart monitor was as rapid as the thumping in his own chest. 

Then, after another few seconds, Thomas pulled back completely, smiling in fondness at the boy beaming up at him. However, the movement was both fast and too much for his body to handle. His vision went white as blood rushed to his head and he swayed, close to passing out yet again.

Newt yelped in panic as Thomas almost slipped out of his chair and reached out to grab him. This only caused him to pull back in pain, tears running down his cheeks. He was too weak to stop Thomas from falling.

Luckily, Thomas caught himself by grabbing onto the chair. His head was still slightly fuzzy but his vision had returned to normal, which meant he noticed the tears streaking their way down Newt's face. It was now Thomas' turn to be alarmed.

"Are you okay?" He gushed out, reaching to hold Newt's hand in his clammy one.

Newt nodded but clamped his eyes closed as he calmed his breathing down.
"What about you?"

"Don't worry, I just got a little light headed. Won't happen again, " Thomas laughed.

Newt joined in, "We're a wreck!", he giggled but as he looked up at Thomas again he noticed the brunette was spacing out and became serious. He squeezed Thomas' hand to try and get his attention.
"Tommy, how much bloody sleep have you gotten?"

Thomas didn't snap out of his stupor very quickly and when he did, he still sounded out of it, "Sleep? Except for when I passed out I haven't had any but I'm honestly feeling fine. I even managed to run a few miles before I came to see you again. I don't need it."

"You shank! You need sleep. And don't tell me you're 'all strong and mighty and can go weeks without it' because you may be amazing but you're not invincible. So get some bloody sleep!"

"Newt, I'm fine. Plus I need to keep an eye on you. You're the one that just came out of a shucking surgery, not me, " Thomas countered feeling more grounded with each word.

Newt rolled his eyes as he gazed past Thomas to look out of the window, where the sun was just beginning to shine through the slatted blinds.
"At least tell me you've bloody eaten something, " Newt mumbled.

"Food? I, uh, must've forgotten..."

"Tommy!" Newt exclaimed in warning. He then cleared his throat and said, "At best you've had a drink, right?"

"Um..." Thomas muttered as he proceeded to nibble at his bottom lip in worry.

Sighing deeply, Newt shook his head in disdain and let go of Thomas' hand. He crossed his arms in brooding and pretended to pout, hoping to get a reaction out of it. And Thomas provided, jokingly cooing over him, trying to get him to smile and to take his hand once again.

It worked, as Newt laughed brightly, "You're useless without me there to tell you to do the basics to stay alive!"

"No I'm not!" Thomas said, "I was just preoccupied, you know, with the boy I very much like being in surgery."

Newt sighed again but in joy as he smiled heavenly at Thomas. The sun had finally pushed out of the depths of night and now cast a warm glow around the room. The light caught in Thomas' thick brunette hair and made his caramel eyes sparkle. Newt thought of how lucky he was having such a beautiful boy at his side when he was helpless.

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