Chapter: 5~ It's all fun and games until it goes wrong

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The first game they played was Would You Rather. Minho had suggested it as a good way to pass the time, though the time was flying by just fine on its own. It wasn't a very organised game. People cut in and sometimes didn't choose either of the choices, deciding to come up with a completely different response. It was a complete mess, just like Thomas' emotion.

He couldn't read Newt at all. He appeared to be happy, smiling non-stop but there was hurt deep in his eyes. Thomas wanted more than anything to just talk to him, ask him what was bothering him so much but something was irritably holding him back. Instead of worrying and becoming distant, Thomas joined in with even more enthusiasm. He put a smile on but it wasn't really authentic.

"Would you rather be completely naked in public or wear one set of clothing for a whole year without washing it, " Frypan asked the group.

They were in a kind of line as they walked. When someone asked a question, it would travel along the group. Most of the time it worked. However, there was the occasional mishap but it only made the game unique to the boys. The first to answer was Gally.
"I think I'd rather wear the same clothes for a year"

Minho laughed and said, "well, I'm glad because I certainly don't want to see you naked. But me? I would rather be naked in public than wear the same skanky clothes for so long. My body is a temple and I'm sure everyone would like a look."

Newt shook his head in disdain as he slapped Minho on the arm, "I speak for most of the public community when I say; Please keep your bloody underwear on, no one wants to see down there from what I know." Newt paused briefly before continuing, " I would choose to be naked as well but I definitely wouldn't be comfortable with it."

"I agree with you two. I'd rather be naked. You must begin to smell after a while and, I don't know why, but the thought of being that disgusting scares me." Thomas added.

"Well, suit yourself but having no clothes in public scares me just as much. Fry, what about you?" Gally asked.

"I agree with you and I'm not even going to bother elaborating."

Gally nodded and then motioned for someone to ask another question. The boys looked around at one another. They'd already been playing for ten minutes and were beginning to get bored. Thomas was the first to voice his feelings.
"Um, I'm gonna stop playing now, if it's ok with everyone."

"I think we all should just stop playing. It's gotten boring and I know you all agree." Newt said as he looked over at Thomas.

"Amen, " Minho said, "who's up for a game of Truth or Dare?"

There was a chorus of agreement and the game begun. They decided to stick to the order of the line. That meant the person on the right would ask the person on their left a question or a dare. Then once everyone had participated once, they'd switch the order up. That way, they all had an opportunity to receive the worst dare possible.

The first in the line was Thomas and the boy on his left happened to be Newt. They studied each other fleetingly before Thomas asked him, " Truth or dare?"


Thomas pondered as they continued to walk, with grain heads getting caught on their clothes and scratching against their bare flesh. He had an idea but he wasn't sure Newt would want to answer, though, that was the whole point of the game. He spent a few more moments to debate it in his head, even with Minho telling him to hurry up, and eventually, he did make a final decision.

"Ever since my call with Teresa, you've looked really hurt. Why is it bothering you so much?" He asked

Newt frowned, "You can't ask that!"

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