Chapter: 12~ A surgery and a check-up

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The reception area was very quiet as Thomas walked in. Tears still ran down his face as his other three friends rushed over, pulling him into a hug, which only made him sob even more. Minho searched his face for anything that could say what had happened but couldn't read his expression, except for the fact that he was extremely distressed.

"What's happened?" Gally voiced for Minho.

Thomas sucked in rushed breaths as he tried to talk, "Th-they took him...into surgery b-but before...he went in, he w-went into...shock." He paused to swallow, "H-he's in surgery right now and...I-I'm so scared."

All the boys had gone pale at what he'd said, fear in their eyes too, now. The sounds of coughing patients and talking staff were the only sounds as the group stood with their heads dipped, hot tears running down their faces as they waited for someone to say or do something.

Thomas looked up at Minho and was the first to speak, "I-in the van, you said...that Newt had complications. What...did you shucking mean?"

"Gally, you explain what we thought," Minho said, not making any eye contact.

"It was only a guess, "Gally started, " but we think that Newt could've had the tendons in his back sliced. That's why he hasn't really stopped bleeding and couldn't move his legs. It could also cause future problems if we didn't get him here quick enough..."

Thomas shook all over as he asked what he was dreading to hear, "W-what problems?"

"Well, um, the simple explanation is that he could become completely paralysed, wheelchair-bound if we were too late. I'm sorry but we won't know until after the surgery," Gally said.

After a little while, Thomas gained control of his sobbing, so that only silent tears fell in a stream. So many emotions were coursing through him at that moment; anger, sadness, love.., that his mind became clouded. He wanted desperately to hold Newt's hand, wanted to be there to comfort the blond through his surgery, even if he wasn't conscious.

"I'm going to the surgery theatre. I need to check on Newt." He said after only listening to his emotions and ignoring his logical mind.

Minho grabbed Thomas' arm, "No you shucking well aren't! What's wrong with you? For starters, they won't just let you in and secondly, if you try, then you're gonna' break the basic hygiene rule going in there and could hurt Newt more than help."

"Minho get off of me!" Thomas yelled as he struggled against the Asian boy's grip, "I'll scrub up. I'll do anything they ask me to if it means staying with him. Now let go!"

"Why, Thomas?" Minho asked, "Ever since the storm, hell even before that, you've been very overprotective of Newt. Why him? Why not anyone else? Why is he so special to you?"

"I don't shucking know!? Now, let me go!"

"Why?" Minho pushed.

Thomas mumbled something under his breath but Minho didn't hear it,  "Huh, Thomas?" He asked, cattle prodding him with words.


"Why, Thomas?" Minho said.



"I SHUCKING LOVE HIM, THAT'S WHY!" Thomas shouted as the wall of emotions he'd built up after the tornado, shattered. His shout drew the attention of everyone in the reception area and plunged the room into silence as he carried on letting everything out.

"I t-tried to deny it ever since we first lent in to kiss on the bus but it didn't work, did it!? Now look at me!" Thomas paused to take a breath, "Not only that but I felt there was something wrong with the weather and shucking ignored it! What good did that do?! Huh?! Oh, that's right, Newt's hurt and currently in surgery! Also, he could be shucking paralysed!" Another pause for air, "All because of me and the fact that I focused on my emotions rather than the facts in front of me! I-it's all my shucking fault!"

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