I never knew part 2

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Diana pov

Why is she wearing a robe that covers up everything
5 minutes later
Now, wait where at the town where is she ,there she is  she's going in a alley way why is it so dark oh its Akko s Robe she must be near by I hear fireworks whoa everybody is wearing a rainbow shirt wait it is pride day is that why Akkos here I didn't know.  There she is "hey um Akko  I didn't know your were not straight" huh d d Diana why are you here" you would always disappear every year one day".  Hey Diana are you upset" No because I'm not straight". Oh I never knew uh heh ha" come on Akko let's have fun and celebrate" yeah hey Diana I kinda promise someone I would bring my girlfriend  so yeah" I love you idiot let's go" wait what did you say" nothing but the true" 

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