Chapter Two

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I flinched awake at the strong beam of the light that made me groan as I lifted my hand and shielded it from the rays of the light combined by the force of the sun rays outside, I looked at the wool blanket around me in confusion as I slowly lifted it and stared at the white tiger on it. I was curious to know how someone had managed to smuggle a blanket into prison but asked no questions as I felt the soft fabric with a face of pleasure at how soft it was. I was curious to know who was kind enough to throw a blanket over me while I was asleep but I didn't question any further as I heard the sound of the bunk below me shifting around, well... the mattress was shifting around. I heard the sound of skin smacking as my eyes widened at the familiar sound of sex, not to mention the stench that was starting to suffocate the air as I laid still as possible, not wanting the participants to know I was awake and listening. The soft huffing was met with heavy grunts that came from none other than a man, perhaps my cellmate used his limbo to keep outside contact. The huffing stopped suddenly as a large bell rung somewhere on the campus of the prison, making me flinch before rolling onto my side and glancing as the sound of jingling filled the air and I spotted a prison guard uniform before quickly rolling away to make it seem like I was still asleep.

"Fuck, it's a code red in the Green Unit." I heard a feminine voice whine as the sound of quick steps made their way to the cell door that were made of solid metal bars. "I'll be back, big daddy."

I sat up as the cell gates shut heavily and the sound of squeaky shoes disappeared down the hall, I watched as the other participant rose to their feet and caught a glimpse at what the female guard was taking seconds before the bell went off. I was awe struck by the sight of the peter that was uncommonly long while more on the thin side, which it's length made up for the smallness of the width. I closed my eyes and rubbed them tiredly, not too keen on the idea of waking up to a guard and my cellmate having sex right below me, but I decided that I should mind my business and stayed on the bare mattress. I curled up once more as I heard the sink turn on after a quick flush of the toilet, my cellmate cleared his throat to gain my attention as I frowned and turned over to finally look at who I would be sharing my cell with for the rest of my life if it came down to that. 

I was amazed at the tapering cornrows on his head that were slowly becoming untamed as the days went by, meaning the person that braided his hair wasn't as handcrafted as they claimed. Dark brown eyes stared at me with bushy eyebrows hanging lustfully over them, his dark lips were slightly parted as his thin mustache made lust crawl upon me as he stared me up and down knowingly. It was at least six-three at the estimate I made, his handsome face was one of a kind and I was immediately drawn to his strong jaw as he scratched his chin then crossed his arms over his very beefy chest. His body was sculpted from the strongest muscle in the world, his skin pulled taut over his muscles as they flexed along his frame, some of them contracting and some of them relaxing. I quickly averted my eyes on realizing I was staring at my cellmate and I was sure it was a face of lust, I rubbed my eyes again as I slowly pushed the cover off my body and looked at the overlarge jumpsuit that I was adored in. Compared to his jumpsuit, I was swimming in my orange outfit and I was sure it was because of our size difference.

"Wassup..." He trailed, raising a suggestive eyebrow as his hand fell to his stiffened crotch.

I stared on in disbelief and a little of shock, it was beyond me that he had the guts to ask a man to finish him off but then again, this was prison and I probably wasn't the first, and I surely knew I wouldn't be the last at the rate he was going. I sucked on my bottom lip as my eyes dropped back down to his hard bulge that was begging to be touched, I nervously scratched the back of my neck as my soft curls tickled my fingers.

"Come on, you ain't scared, are you?" He pressured easily, reaching up and grabbing my ankle to pull me toward the end of the bunk. "Look, looking at you, you need me and this the way I accept payment, so wassup? That cute little ass gonna be busted by the time the night is over with."

Prison Bait: Kiden: BreatheWhere stories live. Discover now