Chapter Nine

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I moaned as his stroking quickened and my knees buckled at my orgasm, I clutched onto Tony to stop from hitting the floor as he milked my balls completely empty of everything that was stored there over so much time. I looked up at him with hooded eyes as he stared down at me, his eyes were flashing so many emotions that it was hard to just pinpoint one emotion exactly as he stared at me quietly. A buzzing sound signaled something and I wasn't exactly sure what as Tony pulled his hand out of my pants and we both observed the strings of nut covering his dark brown hand, he chuckled as he played with it before wiping it off with a small towel he had for showering. I leaned against the table as my bruised side started to cramp and took a few deep breaths to help with the aftermath of my explosive handjob from the masculine, sexy buck.

"It's rec time." Tony told me, coming to stand in front of me and putting his hand gently on my side as I looked up at him and slowly nodded.

I then averted my eyes as I continued to slowly breath in and out, I pulled myself upright from the small table and moved over to my bunk to grab the small tickets for jobs, I placed them in the pocket of my jumpsuit and looked at Tony. I watched as he moved to his bunk and grabbed the small box he had opened before already, the one that had the weird key and condom inside of it. I moved back to the table as he opened it and pulled out the same key from last time, I frowned at him in confusion as I watched him grab one of the rolled pages of paper and opened it to scan it over. I looked onward at the blueprint of a car that had scribbles labeling certain things and their benefits of it, my mouth dropped open as I remembered Tony saying something about racing. He then rolled the blueprint back up and locked the box to store back under his bunk, I watched him as he turned to me and gestured for me to walk out first. I glanced back at him in confusion as his hand fell along my lower back while he walked with me, I wasn't sure exactly what he was getting at but I couldn't wait to find out. 

"Where we going?" I asked in a whisper.

"Garage." He said back, making me nod slowly.

I shuffled alongside Tony as he lead the way through the cafeteria and to the door that we went out before, the one he practically drug me out to go meet with the guy named Streets, I looked around as the cafeteria seemed mostly bare. A few people lingered inside reading books or doing puzzles with friends, but Tony had a mission already in mind as he beelined me straight to the door. He opened it for me and I walked through it first before pausing and waiting for him to come through as well, he shut the door behind him and put his hand back on my lower back to finish leading me.

"Ya know, I can just follow you, right." I told him, looking down at the arm "connecting" us. 

"I know." Tony said. "Maybe I wanna touch you." He said with a stern face, making me blink a few times before looking away.

He held the outside door as well, I stepped out and shielded my eyes from the sun as I looked outdoors to see the entire yard filled with so many people, gangs of different people hung around the yard with the blacks dominating the basketball court, whites dominating the shaded benches, and Mexicans dominating the grassy part of the yard. It was like Tony and I were stuck in New York's apple right on it's busiest day, people were in every corner and cranny of the yard and I was shocked how many people were actually in this prison, and this probably wasn't everybody either. Tony grabbed my hand and I quickly clutched his back so I wouldn't get lost around all these people as Tony started to walk around the court first, he got a few friendly calls from the guys on the court while they played basketball. 

I made sure not to look at anyone, I didn't want them thinking I was trying to start something, I was truly terrified and feeling claustrophobic around all these people. I hope the "Garage" was near because I truly felt like I was gonna get carried away at any minute, thankfully, many people parted out of Tony's way as we walked toward our destination. We then walked near the edge of the Mexican territory, which was cut off by a track that Tony and I walked side by side on, I glanced over at all the Mexicans as a few of them stretched and chatted with one another. I looked over at Tony as he stared straight forward, his eyes looking at the large building built from scraps of metal that looked to have come out of a junk yard. I looked at it in confusion but didn't lose my stepping with Tony as we continued to walk to the gigantic building that stretched at least the length of three blocks. 

Prison Bait: Kiden: BreatheWhere stories live. Discover now