Chapter Twelve

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"Oh shit, babe!" I yelped, grunting as he pulled himself swiftly from me and how pleasurable it felt in that moment.

I whined as I slowly rolled over and watched in complete awe at how fast he moved as he pulled his jumpsuit on quick enough to give me whiplash, he zipped it up very precisely while missing his hard length that was once carelessly bobbing in the air. I was in complete disbelief that someone had attacked Floyd so openly and we weren't on lockdown just yet, which didn't surprise me as much as someone attacking Floyd. I was confused to why they would attack him, he was carefree person and always made me laugh with his crazy ass girlfriend, Mautrice, who was very cool once you got to know him. They were good company and I could just imagine how distraught Mautrice was right now, because there was a very real bond between them that told me even prison wouldn't separate them when that time came. I rose to my feet slowly, groaning at the lower back pain I felt as Tony walked to his locked box and unlocked it, he went through it for a minute and I spotted him putting a shank in his pants. My heart dropped as it dawned on me what his intentions was, I quickly grabbed onto his arm as he had made it just outside of the cell. 

"Tony, no!" I said quickly, holding onto him tightly.

I didn't care that all of my glorious body was exposed as I clutched onto his wrist and pulled him back toward me as hard as I could, and it wasn't easy because he was definitely a bulky, solid ass man. He looked at me with a look of bewilderment in his eyes as it was like I snapped him from his internal rage, he glanced at me open jumpsuit before quickly glancing around with a scowl and reaching to zip it up for me. I reached up and grabbed at his hands to stop him as I looked him dead in the eyes and shook my head at him, I didn't want him doing anything that would fuck up his coming up plans. 

"Tony!" I said louder, making him grunt in reply as he stared at me. "No." I repeated. "Please..."

It got silent around us as it suddenly only became Tony and I as he stared at me with so many emotions over his face, as if he was fighting his own thoughts until he finally broke and pulled me taut against him. I sunk into his embrace as I tightly clutched onto his jumpsuit, I could feel his nose burying into my hair as I prayed he would listen to me and not just push my efforts aside. It would of been easy for him to, and part of me believed that Tony didn't want to stick a shank into the Viper's leader neck either, and for me to step up and voice myself to him, it helped make up his mind. 

"Let's go check on Mautrice, please don't do this." I tried to reason in a whisper, giving him a pleading look as he sighed. 

Everything dawned back on me when Freddie cleared his throat and stared at us with a raised eyebrow, I wasn't sure what he really had going through his mind because he was far too calm and I was sure he was also wanting to retaliate, however this wasn't the way.  I waited for him to say something rather than just give me a grunt like he did earlier, I wanted words to come out of his mouth, I wanted him to say anything but that he was going to go get revenge. I slowly pulled my face from his chest and looked up at him with my pleading look once more, hoping it'd affect him some way and make it easier for him to fall for what I want. I knew it was wrong for me to try and take him as my advantage like this, but I felt like if I had allowed Tony to do such a stupid thing, it would have terrible consequences, and not for just the Vipers but for Tony too.

"What we doing, man?" Freddie asked, raising an eyebrow slightly before squinting at Tony curiously. "They just jumped one of our members, we're just gonna let they asses slide?"

"Lloyd wouldn't want this!" I huffed, giving Freddie a pleading look as well. "Please Freddie..."

"Fuck all of that, I want revenge!" Freddie snapped back towards me, taking a closer step to me and towering suddenly, fire raging in his eyes. "Those bitches want a problem, now they got one. And you act like you don't care about this shit, Baby! You wouldn't understand cause you're not really one of u-"

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