Chapter Ten

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It was nearly past dawn and Tony had grabbed us a large pizza to share from the available vending machine, it was crappy pizza but I didn't complain as I hadn't bought it and my Mom raised me to be appreciative. I watched on as Tony and his group of boys worked to get the car going, it roared to life as Mickey turned the ignition, making me smile lightly at the roar that echoed through the garage. I bit some pizza off my slice while standing and watching them work to make the battle car come alive, Tony had received his weapons today and was having Turner and Eddie install them in the proper places. I walked around the car to where Tony was sitting under it, he had wore a blue jean outfit today instead of his usual outfit and I was curious to why but didn't ask any questions as Tony worked under the car. I took another bite off of my pizza and continued to admire the mustang that had completely been renovated right before my eyes in three days, and with four days left to put finish and touches, the racing was gonna start soon.

"Alright, Tony, I'm going on breakfast break." Eddie said, ruggedly rubbing his hands on a dirtied rag.

Tony grunted in return as Turner quietly followed behind Eddie to go on his break as well, I moved closer to Tony as Mickey came from around the car. I leaned against the car while hoping he would leave to, so that Tony and I could have some alone time, I admired Tony's masculine legs and the large log resting against his left thigh as he spread his legs a little and the fabric tightened. It was an exciting sight to see for me, he was just as big soft than he was hard and it was amusing to watch how his log was so visible, because it was just that big and noticeable. 

"Ima go on break too, they have sausage links today, man." Mickey said.

I smiled lightly as I circled around the mustang and dropped to my knees, I started to stroke Tony though his jumpsuit and he stiffened for a moment before completely going relaxed under my touch. I continued to stroke him through his bottoms as he hardened against my hand and I moved out the way as he slid himself from under the car and rose to a sitting position, his lips immediately found mine as I moaned and sucked on his bottom lip until he pulled away. His hands found my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my hard cock against his, I moaned as he started to suck on my neck and nibble on the right areas to get me hot and bothered. I ran my hands along his masculine physic as he rose to his feet and I stayed kneeling before him, he reached and undid his blue jumpsuit that signified he had free roam during rec hours.

I watched as his pubic hairs sprawled furiously before his thick dick smacked me openly in the cheek, I chuckled as I grabbed it and started to stroke it slowly at first. He hissed loudly as if warning me to not play with it like that, as if the only thinking keeping him from bending me over his car was the fact that he would nut before even pushing it inside me. I slowly opened my mouth and slipped my lips around the tip, cheekily teasing him as I released a throat grunt when he grabbed my head and forced me to deep throat him. I gagged as I wasn't prepared for the sudden assault and he immediately eased up in the fear I would throw up on him, I blinked to rid my watery eyes slowly slurping up and down him. He slowly rocked with me, going opposite of my sucking motion so that when I was sucking him in, he was pushing himself further inside my mouth and vise versa. 

"Shit." He huffed as I reached up and grabbed ahold of his balls to toy with them a little as he pulled himself out of my mouth and lifted to give me easier access to his testes. 

I licked along his sac while slowly, so teasingly stroking his thick log that was almost larger and longer than my arm, and the thought of him digging deep into my asshole only made me hornier as I used my unoccupied hand to slowly stroke myself. I looked up to catch him hooded eyes staring down at me as I worked on wetting up his sac with my wet tongue, I then moved to swallow him and his legs almost buckled as I felt the thick jets of nut cover my tongue. I moaned as I swallowed each nut he gave me, smiling up at him as he squeezed the last few drops out while heaving heavily. I rose to my feet cause the concrete flooring was hurting my knees and was immediately pinned to the hood of the worn Ford Mustang, Tony pushed his semi-hard dick against mine, which was so stiff that it was growing painful. I whined with need as his hand lowered and wrapped around my clothed peter, I arched into his hand for more traction as he slowly rubbed it in such a teasing manner. 

I reached between us and wiggled off the bottoms of my blue uniform that was too large for me, Tony lifted my legs up and with the spit and leaking after-nut that Tony had, he slowly pushed himself inside me. I gasped as my breath was stolen just that quickly, his large head slowly pushed inside as I arched up and unconsciously tried to move my hole away from his head, but he held me in place. I winced as the tip popped in and Tony held still as I adjusted, squirming on the tip while anxiously tightening and untightening my hole around the thick head while Tony gently rubbed my thighs to relax me more. I moved back so that we were forehead to forehead before lightly nodding to tell Tony to go ahead, which he did and pushed more of himself inside before slowly easing out, only to push back inside. I cried out as he continued to slowly move, I felt sweat beading down my face before my eyes burned and I realized I wasn't sweating as tears streamed down my face heavily. I had took a meant but it immediately dawned on me as I realized... this was it. Tony was actually inside of me, Tony was finally inside of me. 

"Ah!" I yelped with pleasure, moaning afterward as waves rushed over me and my toes curled. "Yes! Oh! Ah! Ah! I love it! MMMMM!"

Tony kept going, pushing deeper and deeper and quickening the pace as he started to openly fuck me, beating my insides at a repetitive pace and causing only more yelps and moans to leave my mouth. I wanted to be quiet, I really did, but the pleasure was too great and before I knew it, I was moaning Tony's name for the entire garage to hear. He tightened his grip on me, his thrusts gaining momentum as he pushed in deep and went stiff, his hands held me tightly as I cried out and felt the ultimate release and squirted painfully from the orgasm being so sudden.

"AH! YES! TONY!" I cried.

The orgasm was a bliss however, the small stench of pain disappeared as I held onto Tony's shirt that was now covered in a few of my wet streaks of nut. I released a loud whine as I heaved to catch my breath from the first session we ever had together, and the session happened right on top of his car. I slowly loosened my grip on Tony's shirt and his softened meat slipped out as I rested my head against his chest and caught my breath, heaving as he gently placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling away. He held me carefully as I slowly eased off the car and back to my wobbly feet, I giggled as I stumbled back into his arms when he tried to step away from me a little too soon.  

"You okay, Baby?" Tony asked, gently stroking my hips as I nodded and took a heavy breath, which as very needed... as well as something to drink cause my mouth was terribly dry.

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