Chapter Five

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I rose up slowly while listening for any other sound in the dark cell, it was perfectly quiet other than the soft snoring below me that made me smile a little. I pushed my half-eaten Honeybun aside and slowly crawled toward the side edge of my bunk before lightly hopping down, I looked down at Tony as he snored with his head facing toward the wall but his body flat. I quietly wiggled in beside him as he simply threw his arm over my waist in the middle of his sleep before his snoring continued in my ear, I wasn't sure if he thought I was someone else or if he had momentarily woke up and realized who I truly was. I reached up and lightly trailed my finger along his jawline, feeling the bumpy texture of his beard as he softly slept alongside me, even with my light touches. Tony was very handsome with his sexy face so relaxed and I couldn't help but admire his manly features, I sighed as I closed my eyes and snuggled up into his side as his hand trailed lower to grab my ass. I chuckled lightly as I opened my eyes to see him now staring at me through the dark space, the only light was through the window from a close spotlight in the yard. I snuggled tightly against him and felt comfortable, I was enjoying his close energy and the heat rolling off his body and absorbing into mine. I curled my leg along his waist and laid there, allowing him to openly grope my ass as we laid still alongside each other, as if this was as normal as it gets.

"You gonna get us wrote up." His horse voice whispered, it was so deep and groggy and caused me to shiver.

"I'm get back to my bunk." I whispered back while not making any effort to pull away from him, which he chuckled to.

"I might can spare a third write up." He whispered, his hand grazed my length that was hardening. "I don't know if you can though."

"I can." I replied, curling up more into his side as he closed his eyes and I quickly followed him to sleep as I felt nothing but peace.



"Breakfast." A guard huffed, clanking his flashlight against the bars of the cell door loudly.

I moaned as I slowly sat up and found myself on my own bunk, I looked around in confusion before figuring I had climbed into bed on my own. I heard Tony say something in reply but it was very inaudible, the guard only stepped away and continued on his route as Tony pulled himself up and stretched while I curled up on my side and watched. His masculine arms reached for the sky as he released a small yawn and scratched at his back while glancing to look in my direction briefly. I simply closed my eyes while hoping he didn't catch me watching him stretch because that would of been so embarrassing, though I know he wouldn't had cared if I was watching him, it probably would of boosted his ego. I slowly uncurled myself and took the time to do a cat stretch belly-side up as I felt Tony's presence get closer, I looked over at him as he had moved close to the bunk and lifted himself up to my height. I smiled lightly at him to signal to him that I heard the guard as he stepped back down and I slowly pulled myself to a sitting position while scooting closer to the end of the bed sliding off the edge. I looked at Tony as he walked to the little table that we use to eat on when we're on lockdown, I moved over to where he stood as he went through a small toolbox type box that I wasn't sure anyone should trust him to have. He started to open the lid but glanced over at me as I assumed he finally noticed my presence beside him, I looked up at him before looking back at the toolbox mechanism as he lifted the box without further ado. My bubbling excited dissipated as I looked at the rolled logs of paper with a raised eyebrow, he lifted them out the box one by one as I watched until I noticed him grab a small metal tab at the bottom of the toolbox mechanism and lifted for me to see a secret compartment. 

"What's that?" I asked in a whisper, which he smirked at me before lifting it. 

I peeked inside to see the stash of very much contraband items, I chuckled lightly at the sight of a golden wrapper that was known to well, I reached in and lifted up the Magnum wrapper as he snatched it away and threw it back in the secret compartment with a little wink. I blushed as I looked back inside and saw a small round tub, I moved closer to realize it had a small silver top, it was obviously lip gloss upon closer inspection. I looked back up at him curiously while silently pointing at it as he openly shrugged before scooting a few things around on the inside. I watched as he grabbed a brown old key and frowned in very much confusion while wondering what it goes to. 

Prison Bait: Kiden: BreatheWhere stories live. Discover now