Chapter 3 - Finding Pearl

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(HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! Welcome to another chapter! Hope Y'ALL enjoy!

(Charlie's POV)
I'd walk trough the forest until I found a river, next to the river was a totem pole. I'd walk over to the pole to see four skeleton dragon paws, I'd look down at my feet to only see, I had none, I'd look back up at the paws to see they were moving and before I could react they were back where I looked for my paws at. I'd pick up my front left and would wiggle it around (wiggle wiggle), I'd be confused at what just happened, but also glad I had my paws back. I'd stare into the water for a wile, trying to take in that I was now a ghost, which was, failing, miserably, after a while I continued walking next to the river. A while later I would catch a glimpse of shimmer in the water, I'd jump behind a bush and would watch a long and elegant rainbow dragon climb out of the water. It would look around before yawning, I'd slowly step out from behind the bush,  the rainbow dragon would start to back away but would step on dry leave making lots of noise, scaring itself, it would duck down and pretend to be a rock. I'd start to laugh and would say " I can still see you!", the rainbow dragon would life its head up and would get up and would approach me.  Still laughing I wouldn't notice it approach me, so when I lifted my head up I was greeted by the rainbow dragon's face and a pleasant hello from the dragon. "Uhh.... Hi? " I'd say taking a step back "what is your name? " I'd ask the brightly color dragon. "Pearl.." She'd say, still a little shy. " I am Charlie, I think... " I'd reply.


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