Chapter 1 - Hard headed

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(Hello! Welcome to my new story! I really don't have anything to say so I hope you enjoy!

(Unknown POV)

There was a dragon skull sitting on its perch on the wall, it was big and beautiful, no wonder that human killed it. The skull started to move as black smoke-like magic moved around it, suddenly it fell off of its perch on to the floor. It sat there for a second before it was lifted into the air and the black magic started to make a body for it, but it wasn't complete, it was missing legs, and wings, and a tail! It was just a floating skull.

(Charlie's POV)
I awoke with this strange feeling, like I wasn't whole, I couldn't quite remember what happened or who I was. I look around trying to figure out where I was or something to remind me of well, myself. All I saw was dragon skulls, and lots of them, I'd walk around (actually float around but she doesn't know that yet... :T)  I'd found to be what I thought was the exit but it was a mirror and when I walked over all I saw was a floating dragon skull. I tried looking behind it to see where this skull was but had no luck, I shrugged it off and proceeded to the actual exit. Once I was outside I was even more confused because it was raining, I could clearly see the rain, but, I could not feel it, I continued my way until I found myself outside of the human village. I recognized where I was an knew there was a river near by, so I made my way over to it, I followed the river for a while until I found a forest.

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