Moving to a new place

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WARNING THIS STORY IN COMPLETE GARBAGE THE ONLY REASON why I haven't deleted it is because it has a secret place in my heart

(Y/n) walk down the road stopping at the street cross.

(Y/n) waited for the cars to stop as (y/n) heard a loud horn going off.

Before (y/n) could start walking she saw a light spending towards her then everything went black and silent.

"(Y/n) wait up" (y/n) turn around to see her best friend every since 5th grade running towards her waving her hands in the air like a crazy person. Her name was Katherine she had really long brown hair that went all the way down to her back and her eyes were a deep blue  color like the ocean at night time.

"(Y/n) I can't believe you left me" Katherine said trying to stop herself from breathing so hard.

"Think about the bright side at least you finally got some exercise" (y/n) said giving Katherine a little shove.

"You know wha-" Before Katherine could finish what she was gonna say a loud bell cut her off.

"Saved by the Bell" (y/n) said walking off to her class.

"See you at lunch" Katherine yelled from behind (y/n).

"Katherine I have to tell you something important." (y/n) said sitting down at the cafeteria table in front of her brown haired friend. Katherine didn't seem to notice that   (y/n) was sitting there.
"Katherine" (y/n) said waving her hand In front of Katherine face trying to get her attention.

"Isn't he just the hottest" Katherine said with love in her eyes.

(Y/n) turned around to see a boy with brown hair and a red jacket on talking to some other kids.

"Why hasn't jack noticed meeee" Katherine whined still not noticing (y/n) sitting in front of her.

"Katherine today my last day here I'm moving" (y/n) said looking down at her food


(Y/n) just giggled at her friends reaction.
"What's so funny" Katherine said sliding down in her seat.

"Nothing, you know you can come and visit me any time you want so there's really no need to panic plus you still have Sam"

"Specking of Sam have you told her about you moving"

"Ooof no I guess I can text it to her after school"

"(Y/n) Why isn't she here today anyways"

"She got a cold or something"

Sam is (y/n) friend too they meet last year she had long pink hair that was always in a ponytail and her eyes were naturally purple.

"Hey (y/n) where you moving anyways" Katherine asked playing with her food.

"Not that far so don't worry you can come visit anytime just call"

After a couple more minutes of (y/n) and Katherine talking the bell finally rung for them to go to there last classes of the day.

"(Y/n) call me as soon as you get to your new house" Katherine said giving (y/n) a huge before leaving to go to her house.
(Y/n) turned to her door and walked inside "mooom I'm home" (y/n) yelled walking to the kitchen to get a snack. On the kitchen table there was a note that said ' (y/n) pack your stuff up so when I get home we can go to our new home and there is some pizza in the oven-love mom'

"Nothing new my mom is never home when she is home it's like finding gold"
(y/n) whisper to herself while getting some pizza out the oven then heading to the couch to watch (f/s) (favorite show).

After (y/n) finished eating she went to her room to pack up her belongings.

"(Y/n) you ready to go" (y/n) mom yelled from downstairs.

"yes ma'am" (y/n) said as putting on (f/c) Jacket and walking out the door with her bag of stuff.

"Lock the door for me then meet me in the car" (y/n) mom said as handing her the keys and walking towards the car.

After locking the door (y/n) turned around to walk to the car then out of nowhere she heard someone scream her name before she could turn around something pushed her to the ground.

"That's cute you really think you can leave without saying goodbye to me" a random voice said (y/n) tried to turn and see who it was but it was no use.

"You didn't have to crush her" another voice says.

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