New home

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"N-no I'll go with you just don't hurt anymore people" (y/n) said looking at the ground.

"Sweeeeeet" Oliver whispered into the girls ear as everything slowly started fading black as the girls eyes fluttered closed.

"Can't have you knowing where we're going now can I" Oliver giggled as he caught the unconscious female in his arms looking up at Max and Sally one last time before walking off and letting Sally fall into Max arms.

"Babe, wake up" Oliver said rubbing his hand down the side of (y/n) face.



"OLIVER" (y/n) screamed jumping up off the bed and into Oliver arms giving him a hug while also crying into his shoulder.

"Omg, I had this, this dream and you went crazy you killed my friends you chased me then you threatened to kill Max and his little sister if I didn't come with you but you would never do something like that-" the rambling female cut herself off as she looked up to see the unfamiliar area. (Y/n) slowly backed up from Olivers arms and looked into his yellow eyes.

"Oliver where are we"

Oliver just gave the girl a little smile as he put his hand on the female face and looked up into the  females eyes before he spoke

"You're so precious"

"Oliver where am I" (y/n) asked moving Oliver hand.

"Our new home of course"

Realization finally hit the female she finally realized this wasn't a stupid dream everything that happened yesterday was real Max his sister her friends......

"What about my mom she'll worry she'll call the cops they'll come looking for me I can't stay here forever what about Sam is Sam ok and Katherine what about Katherine and Sally-"

Oliver cut the rambling female off by placing his lips upon hers,took a moment for (y/n) to understand what was happening but she pushed Oliver away as soon as her brain comprehended what was happening.

"Don't you dare touch me monster....i would rather die then spend another second with the person who killed my best friends"
(y/n) screamed as she cried.

"I hate you so much" (y/n) said as she back up to the wall behind the bed bringing her knees to her chest as she started crying even more.

Oliver didn't know what to say,was he not supposed to kiss her? was it to early?did she not already love him?

Oliver stood up and walked out the room after closing the door behind him he Leaned his back against the door looking at the wall in front of him replaying everything that just happens on repeat in his head.

"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"
"I hate you so much"

"(Y/n) I'm coming in" Oliver walked in the female room only to see her laying down on her back looking up at the Ceiling. Oliver walked up and sat on the end of the bed so he wouldn't upset the female.

"Ok I understand you're mad at me but can we talk" Oliver asked.

(Y/n) didn't say anything she just kept looking at the ceiling.

"I was wondering do you still like me" Oliver asked causing the female to let out a dark cold hearted giggle as she sat up and looked at Oliver as his eyes started turning blue.

"You know what funny? I had feeling for you actually it's Funny having feeling for a ghost ha but now every time I see you I couldn't care what happens to you for all I care you can drop dead" (y/n) giggled a little.

Oliver was hurt by what she said but he didn't want her to see so he decided to change the subject.

"Wanna go on a walk" Oliver asked

"How do you know I won't run away" (y/n) asked.

"I don't...but it's not like I'm forcing you to stay here you can leave when ever" Oliver said

"Really" (y/n) eyes seemed to glow a little with happiness.

"Buuut if you did i would be mad and I would need to take my anger out on someone like Max or even his little sitter or possibly even that jaehee girl"

"I get it" (y/n) said looking at the ground.

"Ok let's go" Oliver screamed childish as he grabbed the girls arm and dragged her outside.

After a while of (y/n) being dragged around by Oliver they came to a stop in front of a huge lack with some docs and boats around it but the best part was the sun reflecting off the water.

"This is beautiful" (y/n) unintentionally said out loud.

"Not as beautiful as you" Oliver whispered looking up at (y/n) as she looked back at him in his now pink eyes as (y/n) face started to slowly heat up.

"Fuck you" (y/n) said looking back at the lack

"I see what you're doing here..I don't know why you think this will make me like you because I could never EVER like the person that hurt my best friends let alone KILL them and on top of that I might never get to see my mom again thanks to you" (y/n) said screaming on some words.

"I didn't kill your friends.....I couldn't kill them because I knew how important they are to you....I you to much to hurt you that much" Oliver said siting on the soft grass next to (y/n)

"R-really" (y/n) smiled.


"C-can i go see them"

".....sorry....but no"

"Oh...what did I expect you to say..." (y/n) whispered looking at the sun slowly fade away behind the tress of the lack.

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