No one saw it coming

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Another day of school for (y/n) and she wasn't too happy about it but what could she do.

"(Y/n) don't leave me here"Oliver whined in the females ear.

"Why are you whining" (y/n) asked.


"Because what, it's not like you'll actually stay home by yourself because for some reason you like too follow me everywhere "(y/n) said putting pressure on everywhere.

"I only follow you to make sure no one hurts my baby girl"

"Oh will you look-" The female was cut off by a strong gust of cold air then suddenly everything went black for the female and all her senses seemed to shut down then everything came back too her all her senses the light and colors.


"Get possessed" Oliver mocked then disappeared.

"You little-"

"Will you look at the time,time for you to go to school" Oliver said in an Unknow location in the house.

Oliver watched as the girl grabbed her stuff and walk out the door slamming it behind her.

"Nooow that she's gone time to find that Nina girl"

"I still can't believe you have a crush on that Max kid" A girl with pink hair said while walking to school on her phone with her best friend.

"I can't believe you're still single" the girl on the other line joked.

"What ever"

"Oh I have too go see you at school Nina"Velvet said then hanging up the phone leaving Nina alone.


The pink hair girl turned around too see a boy with blond hair and yellow eyes wearing a black jacket and some black jeans along with some Snow White boots.

"Oh hi" Nina said giving the boy a little wave.

"C-can you help me I'm a little lost" Oliver said even though he knew this town like the Palm of his hand.

"Where you trying to get to"

"A coffee shop"

"Persion Coffee" The girl questioned.

"Yeah that's it"

"I don't know where it is exactly but I can help u find it"

"That would be nice" Oliver said giving the girl a smile.

"(Y/n) did you hear about what happens to Nina" Jaehee asked as the female sat down in her seat next to the brown haired female.


"Apparently she got hit by a car on her way to school"

"When did that happen" (y/n) asked giving Jaehee her full attention.


"Oh..I hopes she's ok"

"Me too she may be rude but no one deserves too get hit by a car"

"Class quiet down, I hear y'all talking about Nina it seemed like the news has been spreading like wildfire" The teacher said.

"Nina will be ok so no need to worry" The teacher said giving the students a little smile.

"Dang it I thought that would kill her not put her in the hospital" Oliver scolded himself walking through the halls of the hospital to room 308.

"Where is the man responsible for this that horrible driver" a woman that looked like Nina just with blue hair yelled at a man sitting behind a desk.

"Sorry he didn't make it"The man behind the desk replied.

"Well you better hope that my little sister  survives this" the female yelled before turning around and entering a room with the number 308 on it.

"Bingo" Oliver whispered walking to the door and opening it causing the red hair female too turn around only too see nothing and too feel cold all of a sudden.

"Nina I'm so sorry I should've been there for you I'm so so sorry" The red hair Female cried into Nina sleeping form.

Oliver walked up next too the crying girl and just looked down at Nina sleeping form he just looked at her slowly breathing then back too her sister that had tears running down her face.

"Nina please don't give up I don't know what i will do without you....all I have is gone dad gone and my little sister in a hospital with her life on the line....don't die on me Nina"

Oliver looked back at the crying female then back at Nina before a loud sound went off from the heart monitor.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no Nina you can't please no don't" The girl seem to be panicking as she stood up and ran out the door screaming like crazy for someone help.

"What a Shame"Oliver giggled with a grin sliding itself across the males face as he began to laugh.

"Now I'm glade I'm a ghost haha no one saw it coming" Oliver laughed then disappeared.

Paranormal love (Yandere Ghost boy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now