Yandere much

997 18 5

Warning ⚠️ this chapter includes some massed up stuff like blood and crap lol if you don't like blood or death and crap then you should skip this chapter you have been warned .⚠️

After what seemed like hours Oliver finally stoped crying.

"Ha" she thinks she can run away from me "hahaha" Oliver eyes seem to be changing once again but too pink,love.

"She thinks she can just leave me alone...that's....that's adorable" he laughed to himself as he got up and headed out the front door looking for his adorable little (y/n).

"So you're telling me you moved in with a ghost that kills people" Sam laughed.

"And you called me because I'm in too ghost and crap" Sam added.

"Sam what if she's telling the truth I mean look at her" Katherine said looking at (y/n) as she stared at her coffee.

"Well lucky for use I've been watching a lot of Supernatural so I know what I'm doing but we're gonna need a lot and I mean a lot of salt and somewhere private" Sam said with an evil grin spreading across her face.

"Now, inside the circle you two go" Sam said pointing at the circle made of salt.

"Your kidding right" (y/n) asked.

"Nope in the circle both of you" Sam said giving both of the girls a little push inside the circle of salt then proceed to walk in behind them.

"So what now" Katherine asked.

"So we...burn his bones" Sam yells

"We are not burning bones that's just nasty" Katherine said.

"Then we burn something that's value too him something that still connects him to this world kinda like when bobby-"

"WOWOWOO SPOILS" Katherine yelled.

"Well what would be value to him" (y/n) asked

"Maybe the House" Sam said.

"We are not burning down a house" (y/n) said.

"Sam what's the salt for anyways" Katherine asked.

"Because if this ghost boy comes looking for little ol (y/n) he won't be able-"

"To get pass the salt" an unfamiliar voice said.

"Oliver leave me alone" (y/n) yelled not daring  too move out the circle.

"Awwww baeeeee come out the circle come give me a huge" Oliver whined.

"Wait,waait,Wait, Oliver, Oliver Coldstone?" Sam asked.

"How did you know my last name" the boy asked as he walked around the circle.

"I remember you from a video I was watching on YouTube....it was about your death" Sam said hesitantly.

Oliver stoped walking around the circle of salt and looked at sam out of pure curiosity.

"It was a crazy manic killer who had just escape from prison and he was trying too kill as many people as possible and you  happened too be one of those unlucky people" Sam said looking down at the ground.

"Ha...hahahahah" Oliver laughed causing the girls too look up at him.

"I don't see why you even told me that oh wait were you hoping that I would "move on" because I know how I died now ha that's hilarious ha I mean it could have work" Oliver said looking (y/n) in her eyes.

"It could have work if you told me a couple days ago before (y/n) came around....ha but now I'm here for her and her only" Oliver said as a strong gust of wind blew the salt circle away.

"RU-" Sam screamed before she was cut off by the painful feeling of something going through her stomach.

"What was that" Oliver asked holding the knife in the girl stomach.

Oliver backed away leaving the knife in the girls stomach as she fell too the ground.Oliver giggled looking up at his lovely (y/n) seeing the fear in her eyes as they started too water up.
Katherine pulled (y/n) causing her too snap back to reality and run away with Katherine.


"Then I guess I'll have to make her love me" Oliver giggled too himself looking at (y/n) friend as they ran then Katherine some how "tripped".

"Come on get up" (y/n) cried trying too pull her friend up.

Katherine tried too speak but nothing came out but blood as her eyes rolled too the back of her head and started bleeding blood too.

"R-run" Katherine coughed.

"Where you going love" Oliver giggled tilting his head too the side a little in a childish manner.

(Y/n) looked at her friend one last time before she took off not daring too turn around as she ran.She couldn't get the image of her best friends out of her head there smile, there laugh, there death, there blood, there last words.

While running a familiar house came into view the female remembered walking with Max and his little sister and this was his house not having any other idea she ran up too the door and started banging on it.

The door swung open and out came a female wearing a blue nightgown even though it was still day out her hair was long and brown.

"Can I help you" she asked.

"I'm looking for Max" (y/n) said while trying too slow down her breathing.

"Oh sorry he's at the park with Sally" the lady said giving the young female a little smile.

"Oh uh thx" (y/n) said as she ran off too the park.When (y/n)got too the park she saw Max sitting on his phone while his sister played alone because there was no one else around for her too play with. (Y/n) ran up too Max and tried to explain everything that happens all at once.

"(Y/n) I can't understand you calm down" Max said.

"There dead both of them there gone" (y/n) cried as she dug her head into the boys cheats.

Max didn't know what happened or what too say So he just looked at the crying female for a while before he rolled his eyes and proceeded to gently rub his finger through the girls hair whispering in her ear.

"It's gonna be ok don't worry."


(Y/n) and Max looked over too see Sally floating in the air.

"SALLY!" Max yelled as he ran under his little sister preparing too catch her just in case anything happened.

"I was gonna kill Max for touching my baby girl but there Been enough blood today" Oliver laughed appearing in front of (y/n).

"Sooo this is how this is gonna go you can come with me and no one gets hurt or....." Oliver disappeared then reappeared be hind the female and whispers into her ear.

"Or I can kill that little girl and her brother" Oliver giggled.

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