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Uh if you don't like death and stuff don't read this ^^

Time skip After Christmas

Although (y/n) didn't get anything for Christmas she still had one of the best Christmas ever just her and her mother.
Sadly Christmas was coming to an end and (y/n) was getting sleepy so she decided to start heading to sleep while her mother took a shower.The sleepy female jumped in bed and began to close her eyes and fall into dream land into the lights started to flicker on.

"Did you miss me honey pop" Oliver asked smiling like a child on crack.

"Uh the nicknames are Sooooo cringy"
(y/n) whispered sitting up on her bed.

"Annnyways remember that deal we made welp its time to go home so let's go ho-"

"Wait" (y/n) said as Oliver began walking up towards her.

"Can't we just stay know like it use to be........when we first meet" (y/n) asked getting up off her bed.

"Why would I do that?"

"So you can go to school and date other people"

"Eh?" (Y/n) said confused.

"I don't know" Oliver growled.

"Well no not to date anyone,just to be with my mom again I'll even ask her if I can be home school" (y/n) protested trying to calm down the angered male as his eyes were Turing red.

"So you wanna leave me for your mother........ha......what a shame"

"No no no we can just stay here me you my mom" (y/n) said with a worried smile.

"Do your mother more then me" Oliver asked walking closer to the now frighten female.

".....that's my mom...that's like asking who I love more the woman who birth me or......."

"Oh I see..." Oliver said as he began to giggle.

"Ok" Oliver Giggled before disappearing.

"What the..."

After a while of (y/n) standing there wondering what just happened she got this gut feeling that somethings was wrong. (Y/n) walked out of her room and into the bathroom where her mother was taking a bath.

The sight she saw was sickening. Her mother head down in the water. Without thinking (y/n) ran up to her mother and pulled her head up out of the water.

"Mom" (y/n) yelled trying her best to pull her mother out of the bathtub.

(Y/n) didn't know what to do so she put her moms body on the cold wooden floor and began to push at her stomach hoping it would do something.

"Come on"

(Y/n) whispered pushing harder and harder against her mother stomach but still no respond.

Eventually she gave up and just sat there with tears rolling down her face.

I just got you back. I didn't know this would happen how was I supposed to know am I crazy for actually trusting that psychopath. (Y/n) thought to herself.

"Aw are you alright" Oliver whispered into the girls ears as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Let me go" (y/n) struggled as Oliver picked her up off the ground.

"You basterd I'm gonna kill you" (y/n) yelled.

"Awww you can't kill what's already dead" Oliver whispered.

As (y/n) was struggling and yelling she didn't notice that Oliver had grabbed something. With that something he hit the struggling female in the head.

The female opened her eyes slowly as she looked around the cold dark room.

"W-where am I?" The female questioned looking down at the bed underneath her with black sheets on them.

The female moved a hand about to rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing anything into she felt the chains on her left arm connected to the bed.

"What?" The female shook her arm a couple of times hoping this was only a dream to no avail.

"Heeyyy." A blond haired boy stuck his head in the room casing light to follow him in three the hall way.

"Like your new bed?" Oliver asked walking closer to (y/n).

"Oliver where are we, better yet why am I chained to a bed."

"Because I cant have you trying to run away." Oliver smiled as he took a seating the bed looking the female in her eyes.

"...why do you do this to me..." the female said quietly as tears began to fall.

"Because I love you (y/n)." Oliver smiled brushing the tears off the female with his thumb.

(Y/n) looked down at the bed sheets as she lost the will to fight anymore. She had nothing to fight for everything was gone her mother and...her best friends wouldn't have been in the hospital if it wasn't for her.

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