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~1 month ago~
I woke up at 7am and start to do all the things i do everyday and today, i have the time to clean my house

1 hour ago||8 am
Im done cleaning my house and everything and take a bath

Minutes ago
Im done taking a bath and wear the clothes that i hang on my cabinet and the sandals and wear a natural makeup

Taehyung's POV
Im finish taking a bath and wearing my clothes and headed to xxx cafe shop
U can do this Taehyung. I said to myself

Minutes ago
Arrived at the xxx cafe shop and sit on the table that we fix yesterday
Goodluck. Jimin says
Thank u. I says

1 hour ago||9am
Arrived at xxx cafe shop and enter the cafe shop and i already see Taehyung and i go to him

Taehyung's POV
Y/N is so sexy.(just in mind)
My heart start to beat fast when she's walking going to our table
Hello Tae. She says
Hi Y/N. I says
She sit on my front
What are we gonna talk about? She ask
Order first i will pay. I says
No. Its so much Tae. U pay the icecream for me then next this? She says
No its ok. I says shyly
Jungkook come to us and give the menu
I want to order xxx coffee and strawberry cake. She says
I want to order xxx coffee too and mango pie. I says

Hours ago
We're finish eating
And i already pay, im really scared now..
Y/N. I says
Yahh? She ask
Can u be my fake wife? I ask shyly

Did Y/N or u
Will answer


Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now