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Taehyung's POV
I just woke up and go downstairs by the pleasant smell of a food and go towards the kitchen
Y/N cook a ramen
Good morning Ta- I cut her off and kiss her on lips passionately
She stop me
Let's eat I know this is your favorite food. She says
But i want to eat y- she stop me
Stop being cheesy... She say. We laugh and sit down and eat

Hours ago
We did a video chat with my mom

Mom's POV
Its my Y/N
*click the green button
Hello Y/N and... Taehyung. I say
Hi auntie. Tae say and bow at me
Mom i have something to tell you. Don't be mad. Y/N say
I nodded
Mom me and Tae just pretend a fake wife and husband. Y/N say
No way. I say
But m-om since I first meet Y/N, I already fall in love with her and days pass she fell in love with me too... This time this is a TRUE LOVE already. We love each other, I really love your daughter mom. This is true im not lying.. Taehyung say
Its okay my Y/N and thank you Taehyung for taking care of my Y/N when im not with her neither im away. I say
No problem mom. Taehyung say smiling
I already understand Y/N and Taehyung, I need to work, u two should plan again a marriage. A REAL MARRIAGE and im going there just update me. I said smiling
Ok mom. Yes we are. Thank u so much mom. Y/N say
Bye. They both say and I end the video call

Hours ago
Taehyung's POV
We go to my parents house

Tae parents POV
Tae mom open the door

Taehyung's POV
My childrens. Mom say
Come in. Dad say while reading a newspaper
Dad,mom we have something to tell to both of you. I say
Go. They both say
Were just pretending to be fake wife and husband. I say
They are shock
Is this true Tae? Dad ask
But its true TRUE LOVE now. I really fall in love with her truly.. I say and hold Y/N hand and we did a holding hands.
Thanks God. Mom say
Are you both fine? I ask
Yes we are! Mom shout
U understand us? I ask in shock
Yes Tae we understand you. Dad says and I hug them both
Come here Y/N. Mom say and she do what mom said and we did a FAMILY HUG!
And we eat dinner here in my parents house

Hours ago
We arrived back at my house and go to my room to sleep
I tell you Y/N stay positive. I say
Your right. She say and smile
Goodnight. She say
No kiss. I say while pointing at my lips
She peck me in my lips
Okay? She ask
I kiss her back and we hug each other and sleep

Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now