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1 week ago
Taehyung's POV
I go to our xxx cafe shop(here is where Taehyung work)
Hey Tae! Jhope shout
We miss u. Jimin says
Me too. I says
And I start to work and Namjoon whisper something to me
"1 more week before Y/N birthday. U don't have some gift for her?" He says
Yahh. I forgot. Later let's go to the mall and buy a gift for her. I whisper
He nodded

Hours ago
We're finish working and we arrived at the mall and we go first to a clothing store and i remember "the pet shop"
Namjoon let's go to the pet shop. I say
What will u buy for her? He ask
Puppy. I says
Why? He ask
When we both go to the mall she always go there to meet some puppies and as I can see in her eyes, she want one. I say
Ok. U have money? He ask
Yes just for the love of my life. I says
He nodded

Minutes ago
I found a very cute puppy in the breed shih tzu
This one! I shout
But we buy first some cage,dog food and everything that a puppy/dog need
Sir a girl or a boy? The seller ask
Girl. I say she gave me the dog/puppy and I pay after that we go home to BTS house(Taehyung will not bring the puppy on your house today because it's a suprise)

Minutes ago
Arrived at BTS house
Hello. Jungkook says
I waved at him
And Jin is shock
Is this puppy is for me? Jin ask
No. I says
Then who? Jin ask sadly
Y/N. I say
Why? Suga ask
Her birthday is next week. I say
Ohhh! I forgot! Suga says
Cuz your old now. I say and they start laughing
Take care of that puppy that is my gift to Y/N. I say and leave BTS house

Minutes ago
Arrived at Y/N house and doorbell

*ding dong
Ahh! I shout and go downstairs handing my teddy bear and wearing a pj's
*open the door

Taehyung's POV
*she open the door
And she is like a child handing a teddy bear and wearing a pj's
Sorry for disturbing u in your sleep. I say and she just went upstairs to sleep again. We should talk a little but she already went upstairs
I change my clothes to a black shorts and blue t-shirt and sleep

Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now