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At the bar
I go to Namjoon
Hello Y/N. Namjoon says
Hello. I say and smile
U want some beer? He ask
No. Water is fine for me. I say
He gave me a water
Thanks. I say
He nodded
How is your relationship with Taehyung? He ask
I don't know what to answer
Umm. Actually we fight yesterday. I say sadly
Why? I'll punch that Taehyung. He say
No its not his fault. I says
Then who? You? He ask
I nodded
I shout to him. I says , I should cry but I can't cry in front but still tears fell from my eyes, Namjoon gave me tissues
Thanks... I say between my hiccup
And talk about life and something, actually talking with him is nice

Hours ago
Arrived at my house and Angel is already sleeping on my bed and i change my clothes to pj's and sleep

Namjoon's POV
Arrived at the cafe and enter and go to where is BTS resting
Namjoon you're back! Jhope says
I nodded
Taehyung... I says
Yes? He ask
What happen yesterday to u and Y/N? I ask

Taehyung's POV
Opps... I don't know what to answer
How did u know? I ask
We meet before. He says
With Y/N? I ask
He nodded
Why? I ask
Hello! You all don't want to come with me in the bar, so i ask Y/N. He says
Um.. Yesterday we just fight, that's it. I says
Taehyung were here please tell us the truth.. Jin says
I nodded
I tell them all the things that happen yesterday night.
I already told u wait for the right time. She will also like u back and fell in love with u. Jimin says
Sorry. I says sadly
They hugged me
(A/N:Suga is not there because he's already sleeping)

Minutes ago
Arrived at my house and sleep

Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now