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1 week ago
Taehyung's POV
Today Y/N gonna meet my parents I call her

Its Tae
*click the green button
Hello? I ask
Are u ready? Im in front of your house now. Lets go. He say
Yes im ready but at the same time shy and scared. Im going. I say
No u don't need to my parents are kind, and nice. Okay. He say and he end the call
Im wearing today a black jeans and white t-shirt with some flower designs

Minutes ago
Arrived at Taehyung's parents house
Taehyung open the door for me
Good morning mom and dad. Tae say
Hello Tae. Come in sit here. Her mom says pointing a chair
Is this your gilfriend? His dad ask
Yes dad. Tae say
Hello im L/N Y/N. I say prentending to smile widely
Dad next month we're gonna be married. Tae say
Im shock
And Taehyung whisper to me
"Please say yes" Tae whisper
Yes were getting married next month. I say smiling widely but a little sad inside
Really?! Y/N your so beautiful. Taehyung dad say
Thank u. I say
Invite us on your wedding ha. Tae mom say
Yes of course. Tae say

Hours ago
Me and Taehyung arrived at my house
I run to my room and Taehyung follow me
What is wrong? Tae ask
Taehyung are we doing the good thing? I ask

Taehyung's POV
I don't know Y/N. Your just helping me. And I feel your feelings before when talking to my parents but its just a FAKE WIFE. I say
Ok. I'll try my best Tae. She say
Thank u. I say and she go to the kitchen and cook for dinner

Minutes ago
Taehyung lets eat! I shout
He go downstairs from my room he's just playing with my computer a game not playing with my things or something
He sit and also me and we start to eat

Hours ago
Were finish eating and I talk to mom
Me:Hello mom? Are u going to our wedding next month?
Mom:Sorry Y/N I can't go im very busy...
Me: ok mom. Its okay for me. Love u!💕
Mom:Thank u for understanding me Y/N. Love u too! Bye I need to work I have many patients
I did not reply back

Minutes ago
I fell asleep and also Taehyung in the living room😂

This chapter has 410 words
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Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now