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1 day ago
I woke up at 6am and do all I do everyday and headed to work

Taehyung's POV
I woke up at 7am and feed Angel and go the xxx cafe shop with Angel

Minutes ago
Arrived at the xxx cafe shop and enter the shop
Good morning si-- Taehyung? Jungkook says
Yes its me. I replied
Long time no see bro. Jhope say
I have something to tell u guys.. I say and start to blush
We all sit in front of a table and Jin gave us some coffee and he also sit
I think Y/N like me too. I say with my square smile
(Angel is beside me. Im holding her leash)
Really!? Jimin shout
How? Suga ask with a smirk
I tell them what happen yesterday to the two of us
Omygad! Jhope say and Namjoon jump but then the cup of coffee drop and broke into pieces
Oppsss. Jungkook says
All the things u touch Namjoon, it always broke. Suga say
Sorry. Namjoon says with a sad tone
Jin clean it

Its my break time and I remember Hannah I call her

Hannah's POV
*click the green button
Hello Y/N! I shout
Hello Hannah. Don't shout, my ears hurts. She say
Sorry. I say between my laugh
Anyway why did u call me so sudden? I ask
I think im inlove to Taehyung. She say
Really?! That's great. I says
No its not, im just his fake wife and not a real wife. She say with a sad tone
Its ok Y/N. I say
I don't even know if im doing the right thing. She say
We're all not perfect but I know your doing the right thing. I say
Ok bye i need to work. She say and she end the call

Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now