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1 month ago
Taehyung's POV
Today me and Y/N are getting married im so excited and so happy
Why am i excited?! Its just a fake MARRIAGE!

Today me and Taehyung are getting married. Im not sure if what im doing is good/right

Minutes ago
The wedding started

Minutes ago
U may kiss the bride. The priest says
I looked shock how can i do this

Taehyung's POV
U may kiss the bride. The priest say
I smile widely but Y/N is like shock or scared
Go.. Namjoon says quietly with wide eyes
I go closer to Y/N and peck her lips

Taehyung go closer to me and peck me on the lips, after he peck me all the visitors start to clap and Taehyung's mom and dad. My mom is busy so she don't come today in my wedding :(((((
Taehyung smile wide
And i just smile too but sad inside😭

Hours ago
Me and Taehyung go to BTS
Congrats Y/N and Taehyung. Jin says
Who's next? Jimin and Suga? Jhope says and Jungkook start to laugh
Hyung!! Jimin shout
Sorry. Jhope says between laughing
Where do u both gonna stay? I mean who's house. Namjoon says
Me and Taehyung look at each other
Umm. I think mine. I says
Ok. Namjoon says
Taehyung mom and dad went home

Hours ago
Arrived at my house with Taehyung
I run fast going upstairs and go to my bed
Im sleeping here! I shout
Taehyung follow me
How about me? He ask
I don't know. I says
Im just sleeping in the living room on your couch, as always. He says
Okay. I says and give him a pillow, etc..😂

Hours ago
Taehyung's POV
Y/N fell asleep and i don't ,im just really happy that kissing Y/N is just nice, and everything

Minutes ago
I also fell asleep

Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now