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1 week ago
Its my restday and I do all the things I do everyday. Me and Taehyung are not seeing each other now like 1 week
And today I decided to be Taehyung's fake wife and im sure about my decision
I text him
Me:Tae can we meet at the park?
Tae:Yes. What time?
Me: 2pm
Me:see u later😁

| 2pm |
Taehyung's POV
Arrived at the park and sit on a bench and wait for Y/N

10 minutes ago
Y/N run fast going to me
Sorry for being late. She say with a sad tone
Its okay. I say
I gave her a water and
She sit beside me
I already decided to be your fake wife and im sure to that. She said
Really?! Thank u Y/N! I scream happily
No problem. I know your a kind and friendly friend. I trust you. She say
She hug me
Im shock
I hug her back
10 seconds ago
We stop the hug
Bye. She say and walk away and im blushing now (STOP!!)

Taehyung go to our kitchen in the cafe shop smiling so wide
What did she answer? Yes or no? Jin ask
She answer YES! Taehyung shout
Jhope start to dance his favorite move
And Namjoon is washing some bowl and everything u use when eating and he was shock when Taehyung shout and the bowl broke into pieces
Ahh! Namjoon shout
Sorry. Taehyung say
And talk about blah blah blah😂

Hours ago
Its 8pm and i slept

Taehyung's POV
Its 8pm and i sleep
Goodnight Y/N. I say

A/N:If y'all don't know Taehyung has a crush on Y/N or u when you or Y/N first meet but you or Y/N doesn't have the same feeling for Taehyung


Fake wife||Taehyung ff {Taehyung×reader} |Completed| (Edited) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now