chapter 2 - memories

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(Mage's pov)

I woke up to a familiar darkness, the abyss, how am I here? Last I remember, I was sitting on my bed in the middle of the night, sketching because I couldn't sleep. I looked around at my suroundings, and found Emma, "hey, you okay?" I asked her, "I think I am, I hope I am." She responded. We continued looking around, and found Kari, Chantel, Tris, April, and Ginger. Still no explanation how any of us are here, but April is terrified, suddenly we were transported to a place I recognized as Allyss' room. 

(Ali's pov)

"Xerxes! Xerxes Break!" I called out into the forest of wonderland, and I suddenly felt another presence behind me. I turned around to see Xerxes, looking at me weirdly, "Xerxes?", "no, my name is Kevin regnard, Xerxes Break is..." 'Kevin' started. "?", "... He's dead..." that can't be right, well, so far I know he's a serial killer in this timeline, so he probably faked his death, but does Maddie know? 

(Mage's pov) 

Allyss asked us where we came from, as we suddenly appeared in the abyss out of nowhere, it would seem she doesn't remember me... after explaining best we could, we told her, "We're not supposed to be here, we need to get back to our own dimension.", "which dimension?" Allyss asked. "Wonderland" Emma claimed, the rest of us kinda agreed, because NEVER question Emma's intuition. So she sent us to wonderland, once there we all stuck together, except Karina who instantly ran off. Soon we found Xerxes, Gilbert, and my sister, Gil looked confused, and for some reason he has black wings now, Emma ran up to Xerxes, "Wait, Emma!" I called out and subtly explained to her why she can't just act like she normally would. Allyss was acting differently, and didn't seem to remember us, so I'm guessing the others will act the same, though Ali seems to recognize us. 

Looking at Xerxes and Gil, they don't seem to remember, I wonder how Emma and Ali feel that their boyfriends don't recognize them... Emma seemed to have and idea as we split into several groups, and she whispered it to me, then followed Xerxes. Ali tried keeping the group together, but in the end only Gil, April, and Ginger stayed. I decided it would be a good idea to tell her Emma's idea, Just so she knows, in case the opportunity comes, she'll know.

Ali said that we needed to meet up at Dan's house later, and as we were about to part ways ourselves, a group of guards showed up and we all split, as it's most likely whoever done this would try anything to make our lives harder for us. I'm a lazy person normally, so I decided it was a better idea to try to ninja vanish, and by that I mean take a bunch of sharp turns until I'm out of sight and then suddenly start trying to be quiet so they can't hear me walking away. Once I was completely sure I lost them, I took a second to see where I ended up, it was a forest covered in warped doors.

I heard a noise behind me and turned to see, Vincent, only he had round mouse ears on his head and a thin tail, but his hair was still waist-long, his right eye was still red, and his left eye was still gold. He looked kinda scared of me, which probably came from the mouse side of him, "hi, I'm Magena.", "V-Vincent...", at least he's not like Xerxes, and determined to have a different name. "A-Are you lost?" He asked, "eh, kinda..." I told him, "well, we're in the country of clover now, I can take you back to the country of hearts." He offered, "Alright." I responded, and we got going.

(Karina's pov) 

I managed to find Olivia and, Yes, she was the one who stole the book, "Where's Rowena?" I asked her. "She's somewhere" she annoyingly responded, "I know your bound to know where she is, it's too fishy that she's suddenly missing, especially when you have the book." I told her. "Hm, your persistent, isn't there something more important you should be worrying about? That Chain, Marionette, you gave Mage isn't here anymore, and Wonderland isn't as safe as it used to be, our adopted cousin could be in danger!" Olivia claimed, but, that can't be the case, Mage can take care of herself, right?...

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