Chapter Five

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A/N: I seem to be updating this quickly, wooo. Please vote and comment! :)

'Can you just tell me the truth? Please? I can't take this anymore.'

'I swear to you its me. Michael. I couldn't tell you before I didn't know how to!'

'You've got one more chance. Tell me the truth or that's it. I'll block your number and all other contact with you."

'I swear to you. I am who I say I am'

Ivy sobs got heavier and the tears poured down her face.

"How can anyone do this? I don't deserve this! What did I do that was so wrong?" She almost shouted at Nova.

"I don't know, I really don't understand what's going on. This person is vile, and they are clearly taking advantage of the information you've shared." Nova told her.

"Can you deal with blocking his number please? If he's even a 'he'. Who even knows anymore?" She asked.

"Of course, whatever you need!" Nova responded.

She took the phone from Ivy and blocked the number from contacting her, before going to twitter and blocking him on there to. She'd deal with the Xbox when it came to it.

"Done." Nova said, tossing the phone back to Ivy.

"Thank you." Ivy said, pulling her into a hug. "I'm gonna go to bed I think, I need to lay down or something. My brain hurts from trying to figure out who has invaded my life."

"Okay, do you want me to bring you anything?" Nova asked.

Ivy shook her head as more tears started to roll down her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away but they were falling too fast. As she made it to her bed, she gave in to the tears.

She was still so confused. This person knew everything about her, and she thought that she knew everything about them. Clearly not. She refused to believe it was actually Michael Clifford. He was far too busy to bother with an average girl like her. It was just this person using the fact she likes 5 Seconds of Summer to their advantage. It had to be. Eventually the tears slowed as she slowly started to fall asleep. Her head hurt and her pillow was drenched in tears, but she was past caring at this point. She just hoped her dreams would help her escape from her thoughts for a little while.

She awoke to her alarm buzzing. The sleep had not helped take her mind off of things at all. She was tossing and turning all night. Her nightmares consisted of Michael running up to her, before taking his mask off and it actually being an old friend turned enemy, and another where she met the person and it turned out to be a dirty old man that tried to abduct her.

She didn't want to go to work, but she knew she had to. She couldn't exactly ring in and say that someone had been lying about who they were so she had to take time off. That wouldn't have gone down well at all. Ivy slowly got herself out of bed, and attempted to make herself look more alive. She dabbed a tiny amount of foundation on and put eyeliner on, then put her uniform on. She didn't feel like eating, or facing Nova right now, who she could hear banging around in the kitchen as she crept through the hallway. After quickly putting her shoes on she exited the flat, hearing Nova calling after her. She felt bad about avoiding her, but she was too embarrassed. Ivy knew that Nova knew how much she had fallen for this person and it made her feel even worse about the whole thing.

She made it to work and had managed not to cry on the way. It took all the strength she had left, but she'd managed.

She also made it through the whole day without crying. She was quiet, and tried to avoid her coworkers as much as she could, but she didn't cry. 

As she walked through the door to her flat, she broke down again. Ivy had no idea why she was like this. Maybe it was the fact she had no idea who it was that made everything feel worse, the fact it could literally be anyone, and she'd told them her deepest darkest secrets. Everything this person had told her was potentially all lies, and the worst part was that the main thing she felt was shame. Shame that she had poured her heart out, shame that she liked this person enough to do so, and ashamed of herself feeling like this. She had vowed never to get attached to someone like this again for fear of getting hurt, and look where it had gotten her. Even more hurt than before.

Ivy traipsed to her room, avoiding Nova again. She didn't have the luxury of leaving the flat this time though, and Nova followed her into her room.

"Hey, do you want anything to eat?" Nova asked wearily.

"No I'm fine thanks."

"You need to eat, you can't let whoever this person is drag you down like this. Don't make yourself ill over them." Nova lectured.

"I just need time to process this okay, I promise I'll eat soon. I just don't want to right now."

Nova shrugged and left the room muttering something that sounded like "well I tried".

Ivy lumped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling lost in thought. How could anyone do this to someone? She couldn't think of anything she'd done to anyone. Maybe it was a jealous fan of one of the bands she's met trying to get details on her? Maybe its just a random creeper.

It wasn't long before there wasn't any light left to creep through the bedroom blinds. With a million things floating through Ivy's head, she eventually managed to drift off to an unsettled sleep.

Ivy got home from work after an average day, to an empty house. She decided to play a little xbox. Maybe killing people would take her mind off things.

She signed in and was about to load up Black Ops, when her Xbox started going crazy with message notifications from DeafLeopard and one from thepenguin.

'I know you've blocked me on everything else but please, please talk to me. I have to explain.'

'Please Ivy, its honestly me. How can I prove it to you?'

'Ivy please, this is killing me '


'When you read this, please don't block me, please get in contact. I need to prove to you that I am Michael.'

And the one from the penguin read 'please talk to Mikey, I understand its difficult but he can explain.'

So now he had his friends in on it? This was beyond a joke. She had to stop herself from launching the controller at the wall.

She heard the door open as Nova arrived home from work and she couldn't stop the tears from silently falling from her eyes.

"What do I do? I was just starting to get over it, and now this?" Ivy sobbed.

"I don't know." Nova shook her head, pulling her best friend into a hug. This time she had no idea what to say.

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