Chapter Nine

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A/N: sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was so ill. Still am, but not as bad today thankfully! Please vote and comment! Feedback is appreciated so much!

They all walked into the arcades, and were relieved to see that there was noone there except two members of staff.

The boys felt comfortable enough that they took their sunglasses and hoods off.

Michael pretty much ran to the 2p machines, whereas the others headed towards the slot machines. Nova and Ivy stood with Michael and watched as he dropped 2p after 2p into the different slots.

"There's a knack to these you know." Ivy stated.

She grabbed some 2ps out of his novelty tub and started to slot them into the holes at the same time as him so that three coins went in at a time. Eventually they were clearing the machine, every time the were getting lots of coins and ended up getting all three of the prizes. He passed the mushroom keyring and teddy ornament to Ivy and kept the packet of sweets for himself.

"Okay so maybe you do know the knack." Michael said to Ivy whilst playfully shoving her shoulder.

Ivy looked round the room to find Nova, she had walked off a little while into Michael and Ivy's 2p machine obsession. She eventually saw her walking to the bowling part of the arcades with Calum, Ashton and Luke.

"I suppose we should go and join them?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, then I can kick all your asses at a non virtual game." She laughed, poking her tongue at him.

They decided to have 3 teams of 2 on the bowling, Michael and Ivy, Nova and Calum and Luke and Ashton.

Everyone had bowled and it was Ivys turn. She thought back to when Nova forced her to come with her to a double date in the same place they were now. She decided to take a leaf out of Novas book.

"Can you help me? I talk big, but I don't really know how to play that well." She told Michael.

"Um yeah sure." He responded before placing himself behind her and puppeting her.

He pulled her arms down, and stood behind her. As he touched her, it felt like a whole group of butterflies started flying around in her belly. He pulled her arm back and told her to roll it as hard as she could. She hit 3 pins on the right hand side and cheered. She caught Novas eye, and Nova gave her a knowing look. The next two times she got Michael to help her, and each time she braved it and got closer to him.

"Guess you're better at virtual games hey?" Luke joked.

Ivy decided to give up acting like Nova and be herself again. She took the ball in her hands and threw it down the lane before Michael could even get near to her and got a strike.

"What a fluke!" Luke remarked.

"Yeah you'd know all about that." She laughed.

The rest of the group joined her in laughter before carrying on the game.

Ivy carried on getting strikes until they eventually won the game.

"You hustled us didn't you." Ashton accused.

"Maybe." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

Michael and Ivy were singing 'we are the champions', when they were interrupted by Calums phone ringing.

"Okay.. Yeah.. No problem.. About 10 minutes.. Bye."

He put the phone back in his pocket and explained the call. Their tour manager wanted them to head back because they needed to be on the road within an hour. They had a radio interview at 6.k

am and they were staying in accommodation near to the station.

"Are you parked at the arena?" Michael asked.

When Nova told them that they were, the guys decided to walk them back to the car so they knew they got back safe.

They got to the car and said their goodbyes. Ashton, Luke and Calum started to head to the tour bus, but Michael waited a little while. He pulled Ivy into a hug and lingered there for a while. After a few moments, she pulled away and he stood there awkwardly.

"Um, OK, bye." He said quietly.

He leant into her and her heart started racing. He gave her a peck on the cheek and she blushed. After a couple of nervous giggles from Michael, he said goodbye again and walked backwards towards the bus.

"Hey, do me a favour and unblock my number. It'd be nice to be able to text you again, or even phone you." He said before turning around.

Once the girls got into the car, Nova turned the heating up and they waited to get warm before heading off. They got back pretty quickly and decided to have a cup of tea before heading to bed.

"I really can't believe it was actually him, this is insane. This is the sorta thing that only happens in fanfictions. I was definitely expecting some weird fan that wanted to be your friend." Nova commented.

"Yeah me too, it really is crazy. Exciting though. Also kinda cringey after all the stuff I post on Twitter. I basically fangasm at everything he posts." Ivy laughs.

"So how do you feel about it all?" Nova asked carefully.

"I honestly don't know. You know I started to have feelings for the Ash person I was talking to, and obviously I fancy the pants of Michael Clifford. I'm still trying to work out how I feel now that its him. Its different now, I don't know." She sighed.

"Yeah I get it. Like you fancy what you've seen on screen, and the person you've been talking to, now you just need them to be the same person in your head to?"

"Pretty much." Ivy replied, rubbing her temples.

"Have you unblocked his number yet?"

"Not yet, I'll do it now though. At least I can properly put a face to the right name now." She paused to unblock the number on her phone. "So do I text him and tell him I've unblocked him?"

"Play it cool. Now that you know its him you don't want to come across as fangirly. Just leave it and see if he texts or rings." Nova responded.

"Good job I've got you." Ivy laughed, before standing up to give her a hug and go to bed.

"Night, don't stay up all night texting. We've got shopping to do tomorrow." Nova joked.

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