Chapter Seven

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A/N: Two updates in one day, I'm good to you guys!

1 week later

Ivy paced the living room floor waiting for Nova to get home for work. The minute she arrived she was getting ready and they were leaving for the gig. Ivy was already rocking her oversized 5 Seconds of Summer top on with her leggings and low cut converses. Her hair was straightened as best as she could get it and she had a small amount of foundation on with her usual eyeliner. Finally Nova burst through the front door. She frantically ran round the flat getting ready, and scoffed down the sandwiches Ivy had made ready for her. Within half an hour they were out of the door and in Novas car. The gig was a 20 minute drive away, yet it took double the time due to all the traffic around the arena. They parked in the space they'd reserved and headed in.

"So do we line up like normal or do we risk trying the VIP entrance." Ivy asked.

"Well we may as well try. They can only say no, and if we line up now we're going to be nowhere near the front anyway so it doesn't make much difference."

"Yeah I suppose you're right, come on then."

They walked up to the VIP gate and handed the passes over to the security guard.

"Names please." He said to the girls.

"Um, Ivy Pearce and Nova Taylor." Ivy replied nervously.

He looked through his sheets of paper on a clipboard shaking his head before moving back and beckoning over one of his colleagues. They were muttering to each other something that the girls couldn't hear.

The other security guard came over and asked for their tickets.

Ivy started panicking. Were they in trouble? Were they getting their tickets taken off of them?

She reluctantly handed their tickets over, expecting the worst. The security guard flipped the ticket over and looked as though he was reading the ticket ID, then referred back to the clipboard.

"Okay right this way then please." The security guard motioned, passing them back the top of their tickets.

The girls stared at each other in disbelief. Was this actually happening?

They were escorted to a room and told they would be briefed from there. There were a few other people in the room that looked like families of the bands. The two girls went into a corner and started to chat amongst themselves quietly.

"So, is this it then? Do you think its actually him?" Nova asked.

"I don't know, I'm still wary. It could be someone that works with him."

"I guess that's true. We'll know soon enough. Let's enjoy it while we can."

Ivy was about to reply when the man in charge came over to them.

"Right ladies, welcome to the VIP section! You can help yourself to anything from the buffet whilst you're in here, the bar is open as well so you can have what you want. What's going to happen is, when you are ready to see the boys perform just go through that door there and itll bring you out to the barrier, you can stand at the side of the stage with the rest of the VIPs but don't go any further past the the stage barrier. Okay?"

The girls both nodded.

"Okay well have a good time!" He finished, before walking of to greet more VIPs.

"5 minutes until the support act go on, if you want to make your way to the stage, feel free." One of the stage hands told everyone.

The girls got up immediately and made it over to the door way, they walked through and followed the arrows to the stage. The security guard at the stage asked to see their lanyards then let them through.

The whole arena was buzzing with excitement. Finally the support band came on. The girls didn't know who they were, but they were good. They did mainly covers with a few songs they said were their own. The crowd roared after every song, with even loader screams when they finished. The screaming died down for a little while, and the girls left the stage to get some water, and a bite to eat. They hurried back to the stage, just as 5 Seconds of Summer came onto the stage. Ivy let out a little squeal that she'd been holding in the whole time.

Luke announced that they were happy to be here and that he hoped everyone enjoyed the show. They opened with Don't Stop, next was Rejects, then they started to play Beside You. Ivy had tried to avoid looking directly at Michael the whole time. She still refused to believe it was him. She gave in and eventually looked straight at him. He was moving around the stage to switch sides with Calum. He looked up and straight at her. They were both just staring for a few seconds before he winked and carried on. Ivy felt like her heart was in her stomach. Was this it? Was this Michael proving it was him? If it was she had a lot of questions for him.

The rest of the gig flew by, with the odd smile in her direction from Michael and her flashing a smile back. Both of the girls were beaming. They couldn't believe they were actually here. After lots of very loud screaming from the arena and all the boys bowing and thanking everyone they exited the stage.

All the VIPs headed back to the room they had started in. As soon as they got in, the same man from before announced that the boys were getting changed and would be there soon.

Ivy and Nova looked at each other in awe. They were actually going to meet them.

"Ivy, do you think maybe he actually is Michael?"

"At this point, I really hope so."

The girls grabbed a bottle of water from the table and sat back in the corner waiting.

Ivy suddenly got extremely nervous. She could be about to meet the person who she'd fallen for in such a short time. Someone she'd poured her heart out to, and had gotten closer than anyone before, and it could Michael Clifford. But she could also be about to be told that it wasn't him, at this point it would crush her more than before. She could picture it now, she could see Michael playing Xbox and getting whiney when he lost, she could see his smile when he read the messages. It had to be him.

She wasn't prepared for this. She was more prepared for it not to be him.

The door swung open, Ivy's heart pounded. Michael, Luke, Ashton and Calum all walked in.

All of them except Michael ran up to their friends and family. He just stood there looking around the room. Their eyes met and he slowly walked over.

"Hi." He said to the girls.

"Hi are you Gamerguy95?" Ivy blurted.

"No." Michael replied, sounding puzzled.

Ivy felt sick, she knew it was too good to be true.

"I'm Michael, my secret twitter username is Gamerguy95."

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