Chapter Seventeen

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Michael woke up the next morning, tired and achey. They'd slept on the tour bus because they had a TV interview they needed to do, so they had left at a stupid time in the night to get here early, even though the interview wasn't until lunchtime.

He crawled his way out of bed and stretched himself out before making his way out of the bus.

After asking the security guard on the main door to the studios where the others were, he headed into the building. It didn't take him long to find his way to the canteen.

He grabbed some breakfast from the buffet and sat down with the rest of his band.

"Can I borrow someone's phone please? I need to get hold of Ivy and tell her I'm not ignoring her." Michael asked.

"I can't believe you dropped your phone in the rain and managed to break it, only you could do that." Calum told him, whilst handing his phone over.

Luke nudged him and widened his eyes.

"Oh fuck, no you can't use it." Calum said, trying to grab it back.

"Why the fuck not?" Michael asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Someone needs to tell me what's going on, right now." Michael demanded.

"Fine. You need to keep calm though. We've got to do this interview, and an angry Michael is not a good idea." Calum told him.

"Okay just tell me!" He shouted, already sounding angry.

Calum shot him a warning look, but told him anyway. He explained that someone had taken a picture from the hotel and were saying it was a hook up and that it was everywhere.

"Fuck, Ivy's gonna hate me! I haven't contacted her cause of my stupid phone being broken. Fuck."

He opened the twitter app as fast as he could and logged Calum out before logging himself in onto the Ash account.

He had a DM notification. Hoping that it was Ivy, he opened the DMs section. He was happy to see that it was her and opened the message with a smile on his face, she'd written so much that it had been split into a few different messages.

It didn't take long for the smile to turn into frantic panicking.

'Hi its Nova I didn't know how else to get hold of you cause you aren't answering your phone'

'Ivys in queen Elizabeth hospital, we were in an accident, I don't expect you to come'

'I just thought you should know.'

"Whats up? Mikey talk to to us." Luke asked him.

"Ivy." He said throwing the phone to the table.

He ran his hands threw his hair and paced back and forth whilst Calum read the messages aloud to the rest of them.

"Go. You need to be there. We can all see how you feel about her. You need to go. We'll make some excuse to the interviewers. Go." Ashton told him.


Ivy laid in the bed perfectly still, she was so full of painkillers that she couldn't move. She could barely even stay awake, or even keep her eyes open. 

She could hear the TV in the hospital room blaring, and could only make out a few words.

"Michael.. emergency.. back soon."

She had no idea what was going on, but things were starting to become clearer. She could remember why she was here now, and that her dad had been here at some point and Nova too. There was someone holding her hand now, but she couldn't work out who it was. Her eyes fluttered open but she couldn't keep them open. She could feel herself drifting off again, and the person holding her hand was talking, again she couldn't make out the full sentence.

"Sorry.. Love.. Wake up."

This time when she woke up, the drugs seemed to have worn off. Ivy sat up slowly. No one was in the hospital room with her. Luckily her water jug was within reach and she managed to pour herself a drink. It took ages and seemed to hurt every muscle in her body. She definitely felt better this time, in herself anyway, the rest of her felt broken. They were lucky really. Nova had gotten off with just bruises and scrapes, Ivy had bruised ribs, concussion and scrapes and bruises. The drunk driver that smashed into them had died in hospital afterwards.

She laid back in the bed and stared at the ceiling, hoping that someone would visit her soon. She'd only been awake a little while and she was already bored. She wasn't waiting long though.

Michael walked in with a couple of magazines wedged under his arm, and a carrier bag of goodies in his hand. He'd dropped it all upon seeing Ivy up and awake.

"Wow, you're awake! Do you need anything, is anything hurting?" He asked her frantically.

"Um. Who are you?" She asked quietly

"What, what do you mean? Is me, Michael? How can you not remember me?" He almost cried.

How could she not remember?

No one had told Michael what was going on. He'd only seen Nova for about 10 minutes when he'd first arrived because she needed to get home to grab them Ivy some stuff, and a long haired man was with her that took her home. She hasn't been back yet, and the nurses won't tell him anything without her or her next of kins permission. He felt like this was all his fault.

"I guess.." Ivy started.

"Go on, tell me."

"I guess, that I woke up with amnesia."

It took him a few minutes to understand what was going on.

"How are you joking at a time like this?" He asked, with a little laugh.

Ivy was laughing too, but stopped and put her hands to her ribs suggesting that it was hurting.

"If I don't laugh, I'll cry." She simply said.

It was 5 days later when Ivy was finally discharged from hospital, she was given her tablets to take home and was sent on her way. She was still sore but there wasn't much else the hospital could do and they decided she'd be better off at home.

Her dad dropped them all off at the flat, then left them to go to work. Michaels new phone, that he'd gotten one of their on the road crew to get for him whilst he was at the hospital, had been ringing non stop but he'd been ignoring it.

"You need to go. They need you at the VMAs, you are part of the band. You've already missed some interviews. Go!" Ivy told him.

"But I need to be here for you, this is my fault. I need to look after you." He pleaded.

"No. None of this is your fault, and Novas here. Not that I need looking after."

Eventually he left, and Ivy was left to her thoughts. She was so confused about everything. He'd come back to her, but she was so sure she was a hook up. Was this just him feeling bad? She definitely liked him being around her again though.

A/N: please comment and vote!! :)

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