Chapter 3

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Adrien's POV
I was searching through YouTube to see if I can find anything interesting. I searched Cat Noir. A lot of videos appear but one caught my eye.

It was titled 'Cat Noir and Marinette?? Couple? I think so!' I clicked on the video. I see a bar and people dancing. I see Alya and Nino. He was recording everything.

I see Cat Noir..... well me, in the background dancing with Marinette. I see that I whisper something in her ear and we disappear.

"Alya, go find out where Cat Noir and Marinette went!" Nino shouts. Alya nods and went off to find them.

A minute later, Alya comes back, a big smile on her face. "They are doing it, in that room!" She shouts, only heard by Nino and the camera.

Nino follows Alya to the room and they look in, to see Cat Noir on top of Marinette, they notice the door open and Cat Noir shouts, "occupied by me, Cat Noir and my love Marinette."

My jaw drops my eyes open wide. I blink a few times, and shook my head. I have to see Marinette, I thought. "Plagg, Claws Out!" I shout.

Marinette's POV
I was looking out into Paris, from my patio. I had my sketchbook, and was drawing Paris, themed designs. A hand touched my shoulder and I turn to see Cat Noir.

"I need to talk to you, can we go inside?" He say, going straight to the point. I nod, opening the trap door. He follows me into the room and he looks around.

I remember the photos of Adrien all over my room. I blushed as Cat saw them. "Awwww, does someone have a crush?" He said, putting on a baby voice. I roll my eyes.

"I need to borrow your computer to show you something," he continues. I went to my computer and turned it on. My screen saver turning on, I quickly click onto google and my computer opens it, as Cat turns to look at it.

He goes into YouTube and searches Cat Noir and clicks on a video.

*Time skip to after Video...*

My jaw drops and I look at Cat. He looks at me sheepishly. I rub my head nervously. "So, that's why Alya has been acting funny the last month," I say, breaking a moment of silence.

"I have a confession," Cat says, it took me by surprise. "That was my first time,"he continues. I look at him, I couldn't believe it, I lost my virginity to Cat!

"It was mine too," I look to the floor. Cat puts his hand under my chin, lifting my gaze to him. He rests his head on mine. "I'm glad you are my first, I just hope we used protection!" He says, which catches me by surprise.

I breath in slowly, as I remember, puking every morning, for a few days. I bit my lip, as I was about to run into the bathroom. "There is only one way to find out," I say to him, grabbing a test off my desk. He nods and I run into the bathroom.

I open the test and pee onto it. I leave almost immediately after. I put the cap on as I left the bathroom, Cat waiting eagerly in my room. I close my eyes as the test vibrates in my hand.

I look at the test, then at Cat, fear in my eyes. "We didn't," was all I could say.

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