Chapter 6

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Marinette's POV
School was a drag today, as people were asking questions about my pregnancy and the fact that I'm dating Adrien.

I didn't care though, I would just shrug it off and wander around with Adrien's arm around my waist.

I walked into the bakery after school, and go up to my parents. The bakery was closed, so there were no customers. I took a deep breath, butterflies roaming in my stomach.

"Maman, papa, I need to talk to you....." I say, not daring to look at my parents confused and worried eyes.

"What is it Marinette?" Maman asks, her hand reaching out, placing it on my shoulder.

"I'm pregnant......" I whisper, loud enough for Maman to hear.

A hand reached my cheek, a red mark starting to show. That's right, Maman slapped me.

"WHATTTTT!!!!!" Maman screamed, papa giving her a confused look.

"That's right, I'm pregnant!" I shout. Papa comes up to me and I could feel the hatred in his eyes.

His hands were on my shoulders, and he whispered, "are you keeping it?" I nod, biting my lip. "Ok, but not in this house young lady," papa said firmly.

I look into his eyes, automatically knowing what he meant. For me to have this baby, I can't live with my parents.

I bolt up to my room, tears flowing down my cheeks. I grab my phone and call Adrien.

"Hey Mari, what's up?" He says. I cry into the phone, I hear his gasp.

"What's wrong princess?" He says, I could hear the panic in his voice.

I tell Adrien what happened, I could almost hear his anger through the phone.

"It will be ok princess, come and live with me, I have a big enough house so it will be ok," he says.

"Ok," I mumble, reaching for my empty suitcase. I put Adrien on speaker phone and I grabbed clothes from my closet. "Are you sure it's ok Adrien? I don't want to be a bother," I say, folding my clothing neatly.

"It's ok princess, it's not like we haven't seen each other before," he said, trying to reassure me. I smile, putting my sketchbook in my bag.

It took about an hour to pack up my life here, and Adrien on the phone still.

I pull my suitcases down the stairs and I see my so called parents giving me confused and dirty looks.

They were sitting on the couch in front of the television. Once I have all my suitcases down, I take Adrien off speaker phone and say "I'm heading down now."

I pull the suitcases out the door, not even bothering about saying goodbye to my so called parents.

Adrien's limo came around the corner, and he stepped out. "Hey princess, need a lift?" He says, giving me a Cat Noir smirk.

"Yes please," I say, grabbing his hand which was extended out to me.

His driver loaded the suitcases in the boot, and we speed off towards Adrien's mansion.

Adrien's POV
I can't wait for my princess to live with me. I held her hand, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

She looked up and smiled. That damn smile. I could look at it for hours and never get bored.

She nuzzled her head on my shoulder, I gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

I still can't believe her parents did this to her, kicking her out. I could see a faint slap mark on her cheek, from, what I guess was, her mother's slap.

A small bruise was rising from the slap, just faint, but noticeable.

"I'll cover your bruise for you princess," I wink, flirtatiously.

She giggles, and shuffles closed to me, I blush a dark red, when she kisses my cheek, and my heart goes ballistic.

We arrive at the mansion. I pull Marinette out, my father standing at the doorway. "Adrien, you know you should be practicing piano now don't you?" He said coldly.

"I know father, but Marinette was in trouble, I couldn't let that happen to her," I say, looking down at her. A small smile tugged at my lips.

"What happened to her that made you leave at this hour," Father said, acting like he cares, when I know it is a fake smile.

"My parents kicked me out, and I have nowhere to go, so I called Adrien and asked if I could stay here," the love of my life answered. She looked sad, so I kissed her cheek, hoping to bring that gorgeous smile back onto her face.

Father just nodded, and motioned us to follow. I gently pull Marinette along with me, but Natalie, fathers assistant stoped her. She nods and I follow father.

We head into his office, a large room, a gigantic picture of mum on the wall.

"She is allowed to stay, if may ask, why did she get kicked out?" Father says. "She's pregnant father, from a stupid act we did, and her parents disapproved it," I say, looking at the floor sheepishly.

"You two will share a room together, your room  Adrien, so the baby will have both their parents," Father said, which took me by surprise. He has never said anything like that, not since mum left.

"Ok father, thank you!" I say, a smile tracing my lips.

He nods and turns, towards his work. I took the hint and left, Marinette waiting for me, with Natalie and all her suitcases at her feet.

I nod to Gorilla, my driver and bodyguard, and he grabs Marinette's suitcases and puts them in my room.

Marinette looks at me surprised, and I pick her up, bridal style, and carry her to my room, her laughing.

"Adrien! I can walk myself!" She says, giggling.

"I know, but this is more fun," I say, opening the door. "Welcome to your new home," I say, gently pulling her arm into my—I mean—our room.

"Wow, is your father ok with this?" She says, as I nod. "He insisted," I say putting her down gently on the bed.

I kiss her forehead, "goodnight princess."

"Goodnight kitty," she says poking my nose. I chuckle, and roll in bed next to her.

I place my arm around her waist, and she puts an arm around my neck, pulling us closer.

She rests her head on my chest, our legs intertwining. We fall asleep like that, nothing could ruin this moment.

Wow, 1072 words, new record!! I'll be updating more often, as long as I find the time!!

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