Chapter 1

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"Welcome to JFK airport your luggage will be at baggage claim C1. Thank you for flying with British Airways." The pilot's voice came over the intercom. The flight had been long and tiring especially for Harry who had been feeling under the weather for the whole trip. He hadn't slept once through the flight because of how uncomfortable he was. His stomach was all over the place and he was afraid to eat anything. He was either too hot or absolutely freezing. His head ached and his throat hurt. "You okay mate?" Liam asked him as they stood up to leave the plane. Even though he really didn't feel that great Harry forced a smile to his face. He didn't want to bring down his bandmates since they were so excited to be back in America to tour. He couldn't deny he was feeling excited to but he didn't have it in him to be physically ecstatic."Yeah just jet lag." Harry sighed rubbing his sore throat and grabbing his bag from the overhead compartment. He followed the band of people down the aisle of the plane and up into the terminal. Even though the girls were outside of security he could still hear them screaming and it only made his head pound."God I hate this." He heard Zayn mutter under his breath as they were stuck in customs. Almost everytime Zayn was pulled aside because he had a name similar to someone they didn't permit in the country. So it was understandable why he hated it so much. Harry wasn't exactly enjoying it either, he didn't want to be touched, he didn't want to answer questions, all he wanted to do was find a comfortable bed and sleep."I think there's more girls then there was last time." Niall told them peaking around the corner of security and setting the girls that could see into fits of screams. Harry winced at the sound piercing through his aching head. He wondered if the girls were always this loud and he didn't notice or they were just purposely louder to torture him. Security took their place around them while assistants went to go collect their luggage."Alright boys get ready." Paul told them leading the way out into the crowd. The girls screamed louder than ever and even though it was difficult Harry forced a smile to his face and went to a few fans taking pictures with them. He knew he must look tired and flushed in the pictures because that's how he felt. Had the temperature spiked in every god damn room? He just wanted to go lay down in a meat freezer for a little while."HARRY! OH MY GOD HARRY!" He could hear them scream and grab at him. He smiled at them making them screech much to his disappointment. All he wanted right now was peace and quiet, he adored the fans and was very grateful for them but he needed the quiet for his thumping head. Once they had made it to the awaiting car he could hear his heart pounding in his ears from his ever developing migraine that seemed to be getting worse by the minute."Are you okay Haz?" This time it was Louis. Harry didn't want them all to keep asking him this question. He could only hide his sickness for so long. He turned in his seat a bit looking at all his bandmates not just Louis. He let out a breath and nodded slowly making his curls jump up and down."Yeah just tired and I have a bit of a headache is all. Nothing major." He sighed. It was so much more than just a bit of a headache though. It felt as though his skull was going to crack open with the amount of pressure that was going on. He caught a water bottle that was thrown towards him and looked over at Niall."Drink some of that maybe your dehydrated you know?" He told Harry and he nodded even though he knew it wasn't dehydration, he had to have caught something from a fan. Harry twisted the cap off and took a sip. It cooled his burning throat but his stomach rejected the idea of anything going down his throat. He slipped it into the cup holder no longer wanting any of it. They pulled up to a radio station building planned to do a interview then afterwards were heading to their stadium for a rehearsal. Harry trudged behind the others staying silent besides a few small remarks here and there. They took their seats in front of the black table all in front of a round microphone."Hi we're One Direction." They all announced into the microphones together like they had always done. Harry was looking all over the studio, not paying attention to the interview at all. He was trying to get his mind off how disgustingly ill he was feeling. His head pounded, his throat felt like sandpaper and his stomach was turning more than a laundry machine on tumble. "You okay?" Zayn asked him interrupting the interview and snapping Harry back into reality. He drew in a sharp breath starting to get annoyed by their constant asking. Why couldn't they just leave him alone after he said he was fine? What was so wrong with that? "I'm fine." Harry said with a cough and a slight whine to his voice. The radio man that Harry couldn't remember the name off raised a eyebrow."What's the matter? Pop 103.5 exclusive right here." He said in interest leaning forward a bit on his swivel chair. Harry gave a small chuckle feeling a tickle coming on in his throat with it making him cough and cause his already burning throat more pain."Oh it's nothing." He sighed relieved that his voice was choppy from the coughs. "I think I just caught a cold or something it'll be gone within the next few days." He leaned back afterwards feeling a wave of exhaustion come over him and finally realizing how bad he just wanted to go lie down in a nice, comfortable bed and just sleep for a good day.He felt someone staring at him and looked up to see Louis's blue eyes meet his own. Louis's eyebrows were furrowed together as he mouthed to Harry 'You okay?' Since Louis was his best friend he just shrugged. It wasn't a complete lie but it wasn't the complete truth. Louis nodded and went back to paying attention to the interview while Harry zoned out again.When They got prepared to leave he purposely snuck out of shaking anybody's hand so he wouldn't pass on his virus or whatever it was he had been induced with. He wouldn't wish what he was feeling on his worst enemy. They got up to leave and walked out of the room Harry leading the way down the halls just so desperate to get the day over with. He walked down stairs and was relieved when he only saw a few fans outside since they weren't a planned radio interview. "Harry are you sure your okay?" Liam called to him. Harry stopped in front of the double doors that led to outside his outstretched fingers curling back into his plam as he turned to look at his bandmates. Sure this was probably the sickest he had ever felt in his life but he couldn't let them know that. He didn't want to hold them back from the show tonight or any upcoming shows."I told you guys I'm fine!" He exclaimed before pushing out the door and jumping into the car. He was more determined than ever now not to show how terrible he felt. He knew they were starting to worry about him and he didn't want that. He pushed over as they got in as well. "I'm sorry I snapped but I'm fine I'm sure it's just a cold.""It's fine Harry we'll just get you checked out after rehearsal okay?" Liam asked him. Harry nodded even though he was probably just going to refuse later on, or be fast asleep. He leaned his head against the cool window loving the relief it provided for a few minutes before it heated up as well with the heat radiating from his body. He was dozing off before the sudden brakes of the car. Atleast, it felt sudden to him but it must've been at least a twenty minute ride to the venue.They went inside and up on the stage. It felt just as stuffy in there as it had everywhere else and he sighed closing his eyes for a minute not enjoying it one bit. It felt as though it was 90 degrees constantly and he felt disgusting. The arena was absolutely huge, he had played here before but that couldn't help the bit of nerves that he would be playing here tonight full of screaming girls. Nerves did not mix well with a upset stomach. They went over the whole playlist that was like medieval torture to Harry's throat. No matter how much water he drank to try to sooth it the burning pain would just come back stronger. The last song What Makes You Beautiful was the one he was the one he would rather not do. He had a lot of Solo's and his voice practically carried the song. He could feel his throat aching for relief as he sung and in response for over use his voice cracked in the middle of the chorus right before his Solo."Harry are you-" His fist balled at his sides in frustration because he knew what was going to happen next. He turned around to his worried bandmates feeling slight guilt for making them feel that way, but the emotion soon subsided because he was more pissed that they wouldn't stop asking him the same question. He stomped his foot like a small child in anger just wanting everyone to just leave him alone. "I'm fine!" He yelled at them, shocking them quite a bit actually. "Will you guys just leave me alone about it? Let's just get on with the song!" The music turned back on like he demanded it would. He felt his stomach start to turn more than ever before. He felt it heave a bit as he prepared for his solo. "Baby you-" He dropped to his knees getting sick. He held his stomach as it heaved everything he had eaten in the latst 24 hours which wasn't that much. His vison swam in and out as he fell on his side in complete and utter pain curling up in a ball. Someone moved him a bit from his vomit though he was still lying on the cold floor. His bandmates and crew members crouched over him."I knew you weren't alright." Louis told him tapping his cheek gently. "Stay awake Harry, your burning up right now but just try to stay awake. We're going to get you to a doctor and everything will be alright." Harry tried to pay attention to what his mate was saying but the words were just going into one ear and out the other."Just stay awake." Was the last thing he could make out before the world melted before him. Everything swirled in front of him like melting crayons until in turned into just one big puddle of melted black wax.

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