Chapter 9

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No, rather a chorus of screaming. Because as the members of One Direction woke up they could see Louis pushed into the far corner of the over-stuffed couch. His eyes were squeezed shut and fingers shoved in his ears, pale as could be though since his encounter with the man his skin didn’t regain its sun kissed glow. He screamed over and over but his weren’t the only one that filled the room.

Harry, the youngest member was screaming. A scream that seemed to rip at the inside of his throat and burn his lungs. His hands were gripping the white fabric beneath him as sweat beaded his forehead. Obviously something was wrong, something was very wrong. Liam being logical in the moment launched from his seat and pressed down the nurse call button on Harry’s bedside table. The doctor’s must’ve already been hearing the screaming because they were in the room in an instant. 

Zayn was trying to snap Louis out of his haze as the doctor flipped Harry onto his back. His body was racked with tremors as his green eyes shot open. Zayn shook Louis roughly until his screaming stopped and his eyes opened as well. When Louis realized it was Harry who had been screaming he got to his feet but it was evident in his face he was still unnerved, he jumped at the slightest touch and had a different air to him. The four boys huddled together in the corner out of the way of the nurses and Doctor in the room. 

Harry’s hands gripped the white sheets and eyes were looking at them as an air mask was pulled over his head He seemed to take a deep breath before lifting up one shaking hand towards them. Niall came forward gripping Harry’s sweaty yet cold hand in his own one.

“Cheshire…. The grave yard…. Locked up…. Help.” He breathed in a raspy voice that was barely audible. But Niall understood the word before Harry’s eyes fell close. His face fell against the pillow and hand fell limp in Niall’s slipping from his grip. But everyone could hear the obnoxious beat of the heart monitor attached to his chest getting louder and faster as the seconds ticked on. 

“He’s going into cardiac arrest!” The doctor yelled and they swore it was words they thought they would never hear. Harry was only 19 years old he couldn’t be having a heart attack. This just couldn’t be happening. He was fine not too long ago and now he was turning a deathly pale as he lay still as could be in a hospital bed practically dying before him. 

“Boys you have to get out of here.” A nurse said as gently as possible to them. They nodded numbly, a silent tear rolled down Niall’s face as they were escorted out of the room and into the hallway. The plastic chairs were uncomfortable and the air was full tension anyways. Louis sat with his head in his hands, Liam with arms crossed over his chest and Zayn with his arm placed around the crying Niall’s shoulders.

“I wonder what he meant what he said to Niall?” Liam wondered aloud. Louis’s head shot up from his hands his eyes fiery and bloodshot.

“Why the fuck does it matter?” He yelled at Liam anger surging through him. That was his best friend in the other room. “Why does anything matter besides the fact that our friend, our band mate, no scratch that out brother is dying in the room behind us?”

“Louis don’t say that!” Zayn snapped at him trying to console Niall who was only beginning to cry harder. Louis turned to Zayn his glare harboring on his band mate.

“Well excuse me for thinking a nineteen year old having a heart attack might just kill him!” He yelled standing up and walking down the hallway a bit crossing his arms over his head on the wall and pressing his face against it. His shoulders shook with threatening sobs as he lowered himself to the ground his face pressed into his knees. “He can’t die. The fucking curly haired bastard is my best friend. I-I can’t lose him.”

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