Chapter 7

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"Y-You're what?" Niall stuttered after those words escaped her lips. She looked up at them all then down at Harry, the area between her eyebrows pinching together in almost concentration as she nodded slightly.

"Think of it this way." She said looking up again moving her hands to explain it physically. "I'm like a well I can't necissarily say living, but human life support system. If I'm taken away Harry will die. I am his life support." She stood back allowing the news to sink in with them that she was the only thing keeping their youngest bandmate breathing. She was actually keeping him from being with her in the after life.

"So your letting him be with us, instead of you?" Liam asked slowly wanting to understand more of the eight year old's brain. She gave them a sad smile and nodded to them. 

"Well yeah, Harry deserves to live a long life no matter how much I want him to come with me. You guys need him, my mother needs him, your fans need him. I can't be selfish when it comes to someone's life." She shrugged climbing into a chair and letting her pale legs swing back and forth. The vibe she gave off was so warm and friendly but yet she looked so cold... so lifeless. But that must've come with being dead. Obviously by her palid complexion and the deep circles etched under her eyes she wasn't living. 

"You speak better than I can remember." Zayn told her. She giggled softly, memories slowly coming back to their minds of her sitting back stage with them. Her dimpled cheeks always smiling and her giggles always filling the air. She was the life of the backstage, she kept everything so lively and loud. 

"Of course, even though I stopped breathing, it doesn't mean I stopped learning. I'm technically speaking eleven years old in a eight year olds body. I'm stuck this way." She explained to him. Louis stood from his chair where he had been unusually silent in thought for the past few minutes.

"Wait you said 'him' earlier." He said putting a finger to his chin in thought as a look of fear flashed before her eyes. "Who is he? Why does he want Harry dead?"

"I can't tell you." She admitted slowly looking around the room like earlier. He sighed loudly in frustration making her flinch a bit. "I wish I could Louis. I really do. But he is always watching, just because he isn't hurting you doesn't mean he can't hurt me. You and me are in completely different world's right now and you don't understand that do you? He will make himself present when the time comes."

"When will that time come when he's dead?" Louis yelled standing up. They all stared in shock completely amazed he would say that about his best friend. The other half of Larry Stylinson. Her eyes widened and she took a step back.

"Louis don't say things like that." Liam warned him carefully. Louis's head snapped towards him as his electric blue eyes narrowed a bit. His frowned tightened a bit as he took a step forward the tension in the air becoming thick.

"It's true!" He growled defending himself. He turned his spiteful look on Lucy who looked a bit scared of him. She gripped Zayn's leg in her small hands sending chills up his spine as she hid behind him a bit. Despite the chill she was giving off he put a comforting hand on her back as Louis continued to send his anger her way. "Harry is going to die because of this dead monster and we could do something if only we knew! But this dead girl won't fucking tell us!"

Lucy's eyes filled with tears as she backed away towards the wall. Her figure becoming more visible and reducing less of that ghostly outline and more into a lving one. Her pale skin started to become littered with bruises and cuts started to rip across of her flesh oozing droplets of blood. Her head snapped to the side as crystal tears cascaded down her rosy cheeks. A deep and gory gash dug into her neck splattering blood down the dress she was wearing. She turned back to Louis.

"Y-Y-You think I asked for this?" She asked softly with a sniffle. Their eyes widened realizing what they were witnessing. This is what Lucy looked like when she died, when life left her. Louis's face softened at the young girls tears. She shook her head looking down. "I would give anything to be breathing again."

There were a few moments of silence as Lucy's shoulders shook. Her tears fell to the floor but vaporized in a instant like the floor was 300 degrees. There was nothing they could really do though, how do you comfort a dead child about their own death? Her fist clenched at her sides as she looked up, her teeth gritted together as she stared at Louis clear anger was starting to wash over her.

"But I can't. I can't turn the tables back. So I'm here to protect Harry and that's what I intend on doing no matter the cost. I'm not going to let him die Louis. I promise you I will keep him breathing with all that it's worth. He's not going to leave you anytime soon." She told him firmly. A heavy silence fell over the room and Louis nodded finally. There was nothing else he could do but trust her. Her eyes widened in a split second staring not at Louis anymore but behind him. "Louis move."

"Wha-" A creeping sensation crawled up his back and he could feel the color drain from his face. A cool presence fell over him as what felt like fingers slowly made their ascent up his spine, vertabrae by vertabrae tracing the indentations of the bones. He feared the idea of turning around by the look of fear of everyone else's palid faces. But he had too, he had to turn around. 

There was a man behind him. The skin of him wrinkly and transparent and his hair wispy and white. His skin had a deathly gray color to it just like Lucy's signyfying he was no longer living. He had a gas mask covering his face but his mad cackles filled the air as he towered over the terrified Louis. His glowed hand pulled the gas mask back revealing piercing ice eyes that had a crazed look to them. The man stopped laughing and got really close to Louis's face so close Louis could smell his decaying breath. The man let out a blood curdling scream and his jaw unhinged making his mouth hang open. Louis stumbled back screaming as well and fell back on the ground trying desperately to push himself away but Harry's bed was in the way.

Lucy stood in front of him quickly with a blank expression upon her gentle features. The man stopped screaming and his head cocked to the side in curiousity it almost seemed. She looked back at the boys and gave them a small smile and a nod before turning back to the man taking steps towards him almost as if she was offering herself to him, instead of attacking Louis. A smile grew across his lips and they could all see the canine teeth as long as a index finger. 

It all happened so fast, it was all so vivid. The man grabbed Lucy, they were terrified he was going to sink his teeth into her but he didn't. Just clutched the child to his chest in a strong hold making her wince as she squirmed. Hands started to scratch upon the window looking out onto the hallway as they wanted someone. Lucy's eyes widened as she seemed to know exactly what was happening. The man launched towards the door with Lucy and swung it open. Screams pierced the air from the outside but as the door closed behind them it all stopped. The eerie chill, the screams, the hands, all of it.

As reality came back the other three realized Louis leaning against the bed panting and eyes wide. The color wasn't returning to his face like it had to theirs. He was genuinely terrified out of his mind as he gripped the metal frame of the bed, they could hear the creaking of it from how bad he was shaking, they dove to the floor besides him as it seemed he was about to have a attack of some sort.

"I-I don't think that's what attacking Harry. N-N-No matter how scary." He panted out before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed into a heap on Liam's lap. With a bit of help Liam lifted him up and placed him down on the over stuffed couch at the end of the room. He turned back to Zayn and Niall who had similar expressions to his. Worry, fear, curiousity, thought, most of all determination. 

"We have to get rid of this thing." Niall said rather gravely from his normal demeanor. "If we continue I don't think Harry is the only one going down with this thing. Louis is a example. Lucy is fighting it off for now, what she's doing is great. But it's easy to see she's fading. No matter what she's still just a little girl, one of our best mates little sister and we can't let her go down because of us. We need to help agreed?"

"Agreed." Zayn and Liam said together with a nod. They looked from the sickly sleeping form of Harry to the pale sleeping form of Louis who had that look of fear still etched in his face. It was evident that encounter changed him.

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