Chapter 6

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Lucy was right about Harry, he was getting worse, the doctor's couldn't figure out what was wrong and no one except Lucy knew that is that was slowly destroying their best mate. Whenever she came they sat on the edge's of their seats yearning for her to tell them what was going on with him, but she never did. She only stood by her brother and held his hand sending the energy from her ghostly body to his. Though the sickness was slowly working on her body as well. Like she had mentioned she could feel everything he did, she always looked so tired from the lack of energy her body held. Dark circles developed under her eyes and her ribs grew prominent.They didn't know how to go at getting rid of Lucy. Maybe once she was gone the illness would carry suit. Yet, she was giving Harry the energy he needed, otherwise he would nearly crumble as it is. He could barely stay awake on his own and realize what he was doing besides when she was there and after she left he could hold up for around two hours before falling asleep. Everytime Lucy was around Harry had a genuine smile on his face which was worth so much more than his usual grimace of pain. Lucy made Harry happy. Then again, how much would it hurt him if she disappeared again?As much as they hated the thought of him being depressed like that they couldn't let this linger on. Whatever it was, it was taking control of him. The doctor's were worried and so were they. They needed answer's and tehy needed Lucy gone so only Harry could be focused on. The boys had to carry on nonetheless and the media and fans were in hysterics trying to figure out what had happened to the youngest member of One Direction. A evil, yet lucky for his job paparrazi had snapped a picture of Harry being carried out of the hotel. It was obvious something was wrong by the how Harry looked and the worried expressions on Zayn's, Niall's, and Paul's faces. After that all the fans were absolutely hysterical on what was happening to their precious Harry. So of course they conducted a interview."I'm sure you know what I'm going to ask you, the world wants to know what is wrong with Harry Styles?" The reporter asked them offering a sympathetic smile. It was evident on these boys faces they were scared for their practically baby brother and exhaustion was evident on their young features."They don't actually know exactly what it is. They believe it's some virus similar to the flu but obviously the effects are much worse." Liam explained carefully trying not to lead on how bad the illness really was. She nodded cocking her head to the side a bit in a questioning glance."So far 4 dates of the tour have been cancelled due to the illness. When do they think he will recover?" She asked them looking at each of them individually with a small nod for them to answer. They looked at each other and Zayn looked at her with his big brown eyes and a small smile."Of course not knowing what it is there's not really a true date or anything but they estimate him to be better in the next week or two." He lied quickly him being the best at it. It wasn't a complete lie the doctor's said they had 'hoped' to see Harry better within the next week or two, but that didn't necissarily confirm they expected it. At the rate he was going no one really was. The reporter turned back to the camera."That's the report with One Direction on ill band mate Harry Styles, This has been New York City News at 8." She said firmly until the camera man turned away. She turned back to the four exhasuted boys shaking their hands. "I'm so sorry for how ill your band mate is. I wish him the best.They all nodded and watched her leave. They didn't want her sympathy, all they wanted was for Harry to get better. For his strength to return and his pain to disappear. The door swung close with a soft thud and their attention turned back to Harry. Miraculously, his eyelids fluttered a bit with out the help of Lucy and a soft groan escaped through his slightly parted lips. Louis rushed to his side crouching beside the bed to look him in the eye."Harry we need to talk." He said firmly to him. Harry moaned and groaned pushing himself up a bit with the bit of strength he had."What....?" Harry moaned weakly his voice cracking a bit. It was a surprise he could still form a sentence still as weak as he was. The doctor's had checked and his throat was red and swollen they had said. Only one more thing to add to the ever growing list of what was happening with him. "Did the doctors....... Find out what it is?""Well no." Niall sighed and Harry let out a groan. He wanted to get better as much as they wanted him to get better. Probably more actually. He was sick of always being tired, hot, and filled with pain. Niall drew in a breath and looked at Harry. "You know Lcuy is dead right?""I'm aware." Harry mumbled not expecting the question. The boys looked at each other still unsure of how to go at this. "Well we can see her too now." Zayn said and Harry raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement knowing she was always there to begin with. "We think- we think you should let go.""What?" Harry excliamed suddenly more awake at the sudden statement. "How the fuck do you expect me to do that?""Look we were talking ot the doctor and he said-""I don't give two flying fucks about what he said!" Harry exclaimed cutting Louis off, his breathing picking up in his fiery anger. He was coughing now because of how much he was exerting himself."Let me finish and calm the hell down!" Louis yelled back and suprisingly Harry obliged but it was probably only to get his breathing under control. "He said when someone you love dies they stay in you because you really don't stop thinking about them. He said your holding Lucy here. Your keeping her alive. But she's gone Harry she's gone." Harry's head hung and shoulders shook a bit, when he looked back up he had tears dripping down his cheeks."She died in my arms." He cried staring at them all. They had totally forgotten that Harry had held her until the very end. "How do you expect me to move on from that? How do you expect me to-" Just like that he fainted and Louis rushed to the side of the bed."He's alright Louis just over worked himself." Liam told him clasping a hand on his older mates shoulder. Louis nodded and reached down to wipe the stray tears from Harry's face. "This is going to be difficult." Niall sighed sitting down in a chair and running a hand through his bleached locks. He's not going to let go obviously. We have to go at this at a different way.""I know, but we need Lucy to tell us what this is, we need to know what is attacking Harry before anything." Zayn told them and they all nodded knowing it was the only way. They needed this info before Lucy could leave. They needed to know how to treat it if they ever hoped for Harry to get better.Just as if on cue Lucy appeared. She looked more consumed by exhaustion then she had ever before. She staggered over besides the bed and dropped to her knee's clutching onto Harry's hand that dangled over the edge of the bed. Her breaths came out labored and her small body was shaking. She obviously wasn't used to her energy being drained so much."Lucy." Liam said firmly to get her attention of Harry for a moment. She looked up at him with her tired green eyes that were identical to her older brother's. "We need to know what this is. We need to know what is happening to him.""Alright I'll tell you but he's watching." She said weakly looking around. A chill went down their spines at what human being could be watching. "Harry's been infected with a demon parasite.""A-A what?" Louis stuttered not believing the haunting words that had escaped her lips. Lucy looked down as if comtemplating to tell them more or not."A demon parasite. This medicine they are pumping into Harry's veins is no good because it's being controlled by the dead not the living. He wants revenge." She explained to them carefully making sure they understood every bit because she wasn't sure if she could repeat it again."How do we kill it?" Niall asked her gently. She shook her head."Exorcism. That's the easiest way. Otherwise you have to find the source of the parasite and destroy it before it gets any worse. You have to destroy every bit." She said softly to him."Well that's you isn't it? So if we get rid of you we can-" Lucy shook her head agin cutting Zayn off."I'm not the source." She said firmly shocking them all because they well all so sure she was the one causing this. "I'm protecting Harry. You think I would do this to him? I have no reason to be angry.""Then who is....?" Louis questioned her. She looked around the room wide eyed almost as if in fear. Like she was seeing something the other's couldn't."I can't tell you anything else. I've said too much." "What are we supposed to do then?" Liam demanded not knowing like the others what they could do. They weren't exorcists, they didn't know the source if it wasn't Lucy. She looked up at him again."I heard you guys talking about getting rid of me earlier." She said softly. "You don't understand that Harry could have been dead by now, but I'm giving him energy and taking half of his pain. If he had it all it would feel like he got in a plane crash then shot three times over." They all gulped taking in the news."You don't realize I'm the thing keeping Harry alive."

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